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Research On The Brand Construction Of Enshi Yulu Tea

Posted on:2020-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330596980745Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's agriculture has experienced thousands of years of development,farming technology has gradually matured,agricultural output has increased substantially,and Chinese people have been fed for generations,making China a veritable agricultural power.However,the quality and level of agricultural development are still far from the developed countries,which has affected the pace of building a strong agricultural country in China.Internationally,many agricultural products in China do not have their own complete and independent processing and sales system,lacking strong brands,not providing primary agricultural products for developed countries,or providing them with raw materials.Domestically,there are a large number of agricultural products produced throughout the country,but the lack of brand support makes the advantages and values of agricultural products cannot be highlighted.For the competition between the participants in the agricultural product market,there is no differentiated benign competition,but a vicious competition based on price wars.Therefore,in order to improve the income of farmers,the efficiency of enterprises and the competitiveness of agricultural products,China needs to pay attention to the construction of agricultural product brands and increase the added value and influence of brands.Among the agricultural product brands,there is a brand that has a high proportion and has a great influence on regional agricultural development.It is called a public brand of agricultural products,and Enshi Yulu is one of them.Enshi Yulu tea products have a large scale of production and a wide market,which has a great impact on the development of the tea industry in Enshi.However,in the development process of Enshi Yulu tea brand,there are problems such as lack of brand strategy,vague brand positioning,unstable product quality and aging of marketing channels.The existence of these problems limits the development of Enshi Yulu brand.In order to improve the market competitiveness of the Enshi Yulu tea brand,it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the brand development and analyze and solve the problems in the brand development.This paper uses the combination of interview research and case analysis to analyze the development of Enshi Yulu tea brand,according to the status quo of Enshi Yulu tea brand construction,problems in brand building and measures to enhance brand competitiveness.The current situation is introduced from the industrial foundation and the current development of the brand.It mainly analyzes the problems existing in the Enshi Yulu brandbuilding and the harm caused by the problems.This paper firstly describes the development of Enshi Yulu selenium-enriched tea industry from the aspects of industrial layout,market scale and brand composition.Then it describes the construction of Enshi Yulu brand through the improvement of tea quality,brand use enterprise,consumer trust and government support.Happening.In view of the status quo,further analyze the problems existing in the Enshi Yulu brand building,including weak brand authorization management,insufficient brand recognition,backward marketing methods,inaccurate product positioning,and backward construction.By analyzing the five main problems in brand building and combining the experience of building tea brands at home and abroad,the paper puts forward some suggestions for improving the competitiveness of Enshi Yulu tea brand,including improving the brand management system,improving product quality,broadening marketing channels and optimizing brands.Positioning and enhancing supporting service capabilities to protect the brand's long-lasting vitality and truly enhance the brand value of Enshi Yulu tea.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enshi Yulu, agricultural product geographical indication, brand building
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