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Research On Industrial Chain Governance Structure, Industrial Agglomeration And Enterprise Innovation In Different Industrial Chains

Posted on:2020-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330596963741Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the supply-side reform of China's manufacturing industry is facing a severe situation.The low-end supply is over-supplied,the effective supply is insufficient,and the structural contradictions are very prominent.To solve the above problems,it is necessary to carry out governance construction from the industrial chain level,promote the synergy of the industrial chain,and improve the overall innovation capability of the industrial chain.At present,the awareness of industrial chain management of domestic manufacturing enterprises is relatively weak,and the degree of integration and coordination of elements of the industrial chain is relatively low,which seriously affects the operational efficiency and overall competitiveness of the industrial chain.Therefore,how to improve the supply structure and supply quality through the optimization of the industrial chain governance model and mechanism of domestic manufacturing enterprises has become a major issue that needs to be solved urgently.Based on the above background,this paper focuses on the influence mechanism of industrial chain governance structure on enterprise innovation in the industrial chain with different driving forms,and explores the influence of industry's agglomeration status on the relationship between the two.This research is mainly carried out in two stages: first,literature reading.On the basis of reading a large number of industrial chain governance and industrial agglomeration related literature,the overall framework and research ideas are proposed.Followed by theoretical analysis and the establishment of research models.First,study the relationship between industrial chain governance structure and enterprise innovation in the industrial chain with different driving patterns.Secondly,considering the connection density and spatial agglomeration status of the space of the industrial chain will have a significant impact on the overall competitiveness of the industrial chain.This paper introduces industrial agglomeration between the industrial chain governance structure and enterprise innovation,and examines its industrial chain in different driving forms.The regulatory role of the industrial chain governance structure and corporate innovation.This paper selects all listed companies in the textile,apparel and automobile industries from 2014 to 2016 and some listed companies in computer communication and other electronic industries.A total of 260 companies are used as research samples for empirical analysis.The results show that: The relationship between the industrial chain governance structure and the enterprise innovation in the industrial chain with different driving forms is different.In the producer-driven industrial chain,the marketbased governance structure can improve the innovation ability of enterprises,and adopt the hierarchical type in the buyer-driven industrial chain.Governance structure can improve the innovation ability of enterprises.The increase of industrial agglomeration brings rich innovation resources and reduces the cost of acquiring knowledge and maintaining contact.Therefore,it enhances the promotion role of market-based governance structure in the producer-driven industrial chain to the innovation capability of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial Chain Governance Structure, Enterprise Innovation, Industrial Agglomeration, Industrial Chain Drive
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