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Research On P&G's Cultural Marketing Strategy In China

Posted on:2020-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330596470042Subject:International Business
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the accelerating process of economic globalization,daily chemical industry increasingly competitive,with the development of human material civilization at the same time,constantly improve people's living standard,the pursuit of cultural growing up,in all fields of society,to the attention of the values and cultural traditions are embodied cultural value function,consumer culture,organizational culture,enterprise culture and so on all has culture permeate all levels and society field.So multinational companies began to realize the important position of culture in international business,will be more and more attention to "cultural marketing"-this new world of marketing,multinational chemical companies such as Procter & Gamble,Unilever has always occupied the Chinese cosmetic market,largely untouched,while chemical enterprises in China have a rapid development,in order to "white" and "nightfall" represented by the brand to grow gradually,but the national enterprises in the cultural marketing the new marketing way on the road is still a long way to go.For the above phenomenon,this article choose famous multinational chemical company,P&G as the research object,as the giant of global chemical companies,multinational corporations of the world's most prestigious,Procter & Gamble in China development for 30 years,has experienced the scenery infinite tumbled visibly,but in the end and desperately,it is closely related with P&G late firm implementation of cultural marketing,Domestic enterprises are also beginning to realize the importance of cultural marketing,but since its development is in the primary stage,it is necessary to actively explore suitable cultural marketing strategies.the implementation of cultural marketing strategies in China through studying its successful experience,find out the key to its cultural marketing,trying to cosmetic enterprises "go out" to overcome the cultural differences in China to provide some ideas and reference.There are six parts in this paper.The first part is the introduction,which introduces the background and significance of the topic and introduces the research objective of this paper.This paper summarizes the literature,summarizes the domestic and foreign scholars on the theory of cultural marketing;The second part introduces relevant concepts and theories.The successful application of P&G's cultural marketing strategy is inseparable from USP theoryand ESP theory.The third part introduce the case to P&G to enter the Chinese market has experienced the scenery infinite,dropped shrines,back three stages as the case study in this paper,this part introduces the development course of Procter & Gamble,Procter & Gamble's one hundred management present situation in China,analyzes the Procter & Gamble in China's development situation,lead to the back of the marketing strategy analysis;The fourth part is the specific analysis of P&G's cultural marketing strategy in China,which is one of the key points of this paper.This chapter analyzes P&G's cultural marketing strategy from the aspects of channels,promotion,products and public relations,and summarizes the characteristics of P&G's cultural marketing in the Chinese market.The fifth part is the effect analysis of P&G's cultural marketing in China.In this chapter,the influence and changes of cultural marketing on P&G are specifically analyzed through the analysis of corporate reputation,brand satisfaction,profit and market share,so as to verify the important role and feasibility of cultural marketing.Sixth part is the Procter & Gamble in members presents the marketing strategy enlightenment on daily chemical enterprises in our country,this chapter through the above analysis of P&G's culture marketing strategy,rational enlightenment for domestic enterprises,hope that not only can help overcome the cultural differences between China's enterprises occupy a place in the international operation,also can better explore the domestic market.All in all,P&G's success not only can provide experience for reference to Chinese cosmetic enterprises,help them better overcome the cultural differences,with a seat in the fierce market competition,more important is to provide some thinking for our country enterprise value,should about how to implement the right marketing strategy to adapt to the trend of The Times,forms the enterprise core competitiveness,to better adapt to market competition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural marketing, P & G company, Effect analysis, Experience reference
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