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The Effect Of Insurance Boosting Targeted Poverty Alleviation And The Path Of Poverty Alleviation Innovation

Posted on:2020-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D FanFull Text:PDF
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Since General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the concept of “precise poverty alleviatio” in 2013,China's poverty alleviation work has made significant progress.By the end of 2018,the number of rural poor in the country has decreased to 16.6 million,with a total reduction of 82.39 million;the incidence of poverty has dropped to 1.7%.The cumulative decline was 8.5 percentage points [data from the National Bureau of Statistics website].In the process,the insurance industry has also played a powerful guiding role in helping many poverty-stricken areas to successfully lift themselves out of poverty,including Hebei Fuping and Henan Lankao.However,the task of poverty alleviation in the next few years is still arduous.The rest are mostly deep poverty-stricken areas that are difficult to get rid of poverty,and the phenomenon of returning to poverty.The current poverty alleviation and development work in China has entered the sprint period of hard-boiled bones.".Therefore,it is necessary to in-depth investigation of in-depth poverty-stricken areas,and to specifically innovate insurance and poverty alleviation paths.It can better promote the in-depth development of China's precision poverty alleviation work,and also reflect the responsibility of the insurance industry to serve the overall economic and social development of the country.Industry development momentum.Guided by the relevant theories of insurance for poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation,this paper first explores and analyzes the advantages and modes of action of insurance participation in poverty alleviation,and then analyzes its poverty profile,poverty alleviation progress and insurance poverty alleviation path through field surveys of H village in Liangshan Prefecture,Sichuan Province.On the basis of this,the effect of the current insurance poverty alleviation project in H Village of Liangshan Prefecture was evaluated,and the existing problems and obstacles were found.Finally,based on the experience of China's relatively successful insurance poverty alleviation model,propose the innovative paths for insurance participation in industrial poverty alleviation,health poverty alleviation,poverty alleviation of people's livelihood and education for poverty alleviation and supporting policy recommendations.This article consists of seven parts.The main research contents and research views of each chapter are as follows:The first chapter is the introduction of the article,including the research background and research significance of this article.At present,the research status and brief review of insurance precision poverty alleviation at home and abroad,as well as a brief introduction to the research content and research methods of this paper,and finally the innovation of the article.And details of the deficiencies.The second chapter is about the theoretical analysis of the implementation of precision poverty alleviation in insurance.The first is to define the concept of precise poverty alleviation and insurance poverty alleviation.Precision poverty alleviation is a kind of precise and special target for poverty alleviation in China.It mainly includes insurance insurance and insurance funds that can play a role in poverty alleviation.Secondly,it is about the theory of precise poverty alleviation for insurance,including the theory of anti-poverty of human capital,the anti-poverty theory of “sucking effect”,the evaluation framework of insurance poverty alleviation projects and the theory of active poverty alleviation based on comprehensive risk management.Finally,from the theoretical aspect,it analyzes the advantages and modes of action of insurance participation in precision poverty alleviation.The advantages are mainly the natural attributes of insurance,the accuracy of target targeting,and the improvement of fairness and efficiency brought by leverage mechanism and market-oriented mechanism.At present,China's insurance industry participates in the role of precision poverty alleviation mainly through the three aspects of insurance poverty alleviation guarantee system,insurance poverty alleviation and credit enhancement system and insurance poverty alleviation investment system.The third chapter is the analysis of the field investigation results of Huipun Village,Zhaojue County,Sichuan.Firstly,it introduces the poverty situation of Huipun Village,including the basic situation of poor households,the characteristics of poor households,education level and age distribution;the number of households of poor households,the number of laborers and the situation of migrant workers.Then it introduces in detail the distribution of poverty causes and the income composition of poor households in Huipun Village.The biggest cause of poverty is the lack of funds to develop production due to marriage and funeral habits.The main source of income for most poor households is family production and operation.income.The second part introduces the progress and preliminary effects of poverty alleviation in Huopu Village.Through improving infrastructure,attaching importance to housing reform,carrying out industrial poverty alleviation,financial poverty alleviation,and implementing education poverty alleviation policies,the income of poor households will increase significantly and the quality of life will improve.The third part is the current insurance poverty alleviation mode and development status of Hupu Village.It introduces the medical insurance,agricultural insurance,small accident insurance “Poverty Alleviation Insurance” and the implementation path and development status of microfinance insurance.The fourth chapter is an evaluation of the effect of Huopun Insurance on the promotion of precision poverty alleviation.The evaluation framework of insurance poverty alleviation project proposed by Zheng Wei et evaluated from five aspects: direct effect,intrinsic incentive effect,accuracy,business continuity and reproducibility of insurance poverty alleviation projects.It is found that the insurance and poverty alleviation projects currently implemented in Huopu Village have a direct direct effect,including potato in agricultural insurance,capable sow insurance,and new rural cooperative medical insurance in medical insurance.The degree of protection and coverage are good.However,the intrinsic incentive effect of the existing insurance poverty alleviation projects is limited,and it cannot promote the farmers' initiative to lift poverty.At the same time,the existing insurance poverty alleviation projects are also lack of pertinence and lack of precision.There is no relevant guarantee for the Simmental cattle and greenhouse cultivation in the featured industries.Insurance poverty alleviation projects also have shortcomings in terms of business continuity and reproducibility.Finally,the influencing factors that cause the poor effect of insurance and poverty alleviation are analyzed,including the lack of services at the grassroots outlets,the unreasonable assessment mechanism,the lack of awareness of poverty insurance,the imperfect policies for poverty alleviation,the lack of risk sharing mechanisms and the linkage mechanism of government departments,and the lack of The integration and utilization of poverty alleviation resources has resulted in low efficiency in poverty alleviation and insufficient results.The fifth chapter is the experience of insurance to promote different modes of precision poverty alleviation.The first is the model of “financial poverty alleviation and insurance first” in Hebei Province,drawing on the poverty alleviation path covered by agricultural insurance,the joint innovation model of joint insurance,the linkage mechanism of agricultural insurance + loans,and the construction of poverty alleviation network system.In the “package insurance” model of Lankao,it draws on the combination of insurance and “insurance + employment” poverty alleviation path to take the safeguards out of poverty-stricken population and new agricultural management entities.In the “2+X” menu-style insurance scheme of Yanchi,it draws on its flexible choice of insurance scheme,innovative credit mechanism and insurance risk compensation.Among the medical insurance poverty alleviation models in Ganzhou,it is worthwhile to learn from the innovative poverty alleviation funds for the implementation of commercial supplementary medical insurance,the one-stop settlement system and the risk adjustment mechanism.The sixth chapter is the innovation path research of insurance to promote precision poverty alleviation.Drawing on the experience of Chapter V,we will explore the innovative path of insurance participation in precision poverty alleviation from four aspects: industrial poverty alleviation,health poverty alleviation,poverty alleviation and education poverty alleviation.In the aspect of industrial poverty alleviation,the first is to innovate new agricultural insurance covering all aspects of the poverty alleviation industrial chain,including the risks of various natural disasters,agricultural facilities and land transfer in the front-end agricultural production process;the risk of agricultural product storage in the middle of the industrial chain.And the risks of price fluctuations,agricultural product quality,and online order defaults in the back-end sales process.The second is to innovate credit insurance.In addition to basic microfinance guarantee insurance and lender accident insurance,explore the development of two-right mortgage guarantee insurance and the “policy pledge” of the aquaculture industry.In the aspect of health and poverty alleviation,we will continue to improve basic medical insurance and poverty alleviation,while at the same time innovatively using poverty alleviation funds to purchase commercial medical insurance for the poor.In terms of poverty alleviation for the people's livelihood,various types of life insurance are carried out,especially for specific people,as well as various types of public security insurance,catastrophe insurance,insurance funds investment in people's livelihood projects.Finally,through education loan guarantee insurance,school liability insurance,charitable donations,targeted recruitment,etc.,participate in education poverty alleviation.The seventh chapter is the supporting policy recommendations to promote the innovation of insurance precision poverty alleviation path and improve the effect of insurance poverty alleviation.The first is to strengthen the construction of insurance precision poverty alleviation system and improve the insurance poverty alleviation mechanism.This includes including insurance into poverty alleviation planning and policy systems in poverty-stricken areas;improving supporting measures such as fiscal,taxation,and risk-sharing mechanisms;and innovating government-enterprise cooperation models and strengthening government-sector linkage mechanisms.The second is to improve the supervision mechanism for insurance and poverty alleviation.This includes implementing differentiated regulation and establishing a scientific poverty alleviation mechanism.The third is to improve the poverty alleviation capacity of insurance institutions.Mainly to improve the development of targeted insurance and grassroots network service levels,as well as to strengthen insurance knowledge.Finally,from the promotion of poverty-stricken households to take the initiative to get rid of poverty,improve the reproducibility of insurance poverty alleviation projects,and improve the insurance and poverty alleviation policies for poverty-stricken people in the post-poverty era to ensure the sustainability of insurance poverty alleviation.The main research features and innovations of this paper are:(1)Based on the field research data of H Village in Liangshan Prefecture in the deep poverty-stricken areas,the paper deeply analyzes the root causes of poverty in the highland Yi people and the obstacles affecting the effect of insurance poverty alleviation.On this basis,it seeks entry points for insurance and local poverty alleviation projects.And put forward the implementation path and policy recommendations for insurance precision poverty alleviation.The research content is closely related to the actual situation,focusing on the practicality and application value of the research results.(2)Innovatively put forward the specific implementation path of insurance to promote accurate poverty alleviation.The thesis holds that in order to achieve the sustainability of the effect of insurance and poverty alleviation,it is necessary to combine insurance with industrial poverty alleviation,health poverty alleviation,poverty alleviation,and education poverty alleviation to play a synergistic role.It proposes to provide poverty alleviation industry chain with full-process risk protection,help poor households to participate in the poverty alleviation industrial chain to achieve poverty alleviation,and innovatively carry out two-right mortgage guarantee insurance and aquaculture “policy pledge” living mortgage loans to broaden the financing channels for the poor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insurance for poverty alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation, effect evaluation, innovation path
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