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A Financial Analysis And Investment Value Evaluation Of The Shenzhou UCAR INC

Posted on:2020-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330578966898Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the country invested heavily in the construction of mobile 3G and 4G networks in 2008,mobile Internet technology is changing people's clothing,food,housing and transportation,covering every corner of people's lives.China also makes great contributions to the innovation and development of Internet technology because of its huge population base.With the popularity of mobile Internet technology and the boost of capital,the network car platform has quickly become one of the daily travel choices.Since the birth of the travel industry represented by the network car platform in China,it has enjoyed super-high-speed growth.At the same time,subsidy warfare,policy control,and mergers and acquisitions have become hot words in the industry.As the first listed company of China's network car platform,Shenzhou UCAR has the B2C operation mode and diversified business ecology,which is extremely representative.Therefore,how to evaluate the enterprise value of the network car platform company has become an investment subject to the investors.This paper firstly studies the method model of enterprise valuation model,and then combines the analysis of macroeconomic environment with the network car industry,automobile e-commerce industry and automobile financial service industry analysis to describe the three industry development trends involved in the UCAR.Then,from the operation level and financial level of Shenzhou UCAR,the business status of the company was deconstructed,and the conclusion that the three major business of Shenzhou UCAR is consistent with the development trend of the industry is obtained.Finally,according to the different development cycles and characteristics of the three businesses,the free cash flow model is used to evaluate the Shenzhou special car business,the Black-Scholes model is used to evaluate the Shenzhou buying and buying business,and the P/E method is used to sell the Shenzhou car.The conclusion is that the overall enterprise value of UCAR is 41.6 billion yuan.The development of the network car platform business in China is still at a high-speed stage,and the growth space is huge.In the future,investment activities related to the network car platform will increase.This paper evaluates the various businesses of Shenzhou UCAR through the business spin-off model,which will help and guide investors' investment decisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Net car platform, Valuation, China Shenzhou UCAR
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