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Financial Strategy Analysis Of ST Company

Posted on:2020-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J PangFull Text:PDF
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The ST system is aimed at listed companies with abnormal financial status or other conditions.Six years after entering the A-share market,Big Wisdom is now facing the dilemma of losing money for the first time for two consecutive years.Losses have soared to $1.7 billion in 2016,leaving Big Wisdom falling behind in its battle with rival rivals Oriental Wealth and Companion.Through reading a large number of relevant literature and books,the author analyzes the financial strategy of the big wisdom company of the listed company after being ST.By combining the theory with the application,the author gradually analyzes the financial strategy formulation and implementation of the top executives(such as the vice president of finance),the head of the financial department,the finance of the Department and the subsidiaries of the subordinate companies.Financial multi-level management process: from a horizontal perspective,financial strategy must be in line with other functional strategies,and according to the development stage and direction of ST enterprises to determine the primary and secondary functions of strategic management,at the same time,financial strategic awareness to penetrate into all levels of horizontal functions,and ultimately by the ST enterprise financial department responsible for coordination?The all-staff nature of the financial strategy means that the financial strategy management is based on the management strategy,the financial function strategic management as the core,and the coordination of other departments as the basis.Financial strategy involves strategic issues under the guidance of corporate vision and overall strategy,focusing on promoting long-term,balanced and effective allocation and circulation of corporate financial resources,relying on capital raising and risk planning,and aiming to maintain and improve the company's core competitive advantage and profitability.This article through the present situation of found great wisdom of the company's financial strategy,and combining with the operating characteristics of great wisdom company financial strategy to focus on investment strategy,strategy of working capital,as well as the external financing strategy and dividend policy and so on four aspects to give Suggestions,find its for big wisdom ST profit measures,namely the increased corporate profitability,speed up the implementation to pick a cap in 2018,in the end to avoid the result of the company private.Other ST listed companies can refer to the valuable experience of greatwisdom's successful shell preservation and make the company move towards the normal growth path.
Keywords/Search Tags:listed companies, ST, capital structure, financial strategy, financial risk control
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