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Case Study On Budget Control In Government Departments

Posted on:2018-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YuanFull Text:PDF
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Under the new environment.In order to follow the development of society,the budget control must keep updating,simultaneously a more suitable method on budget control is also significant for managers while they are in practice.Specifically,optimising budget control mechanism of relative department in order to making a more efficient way for government to use financial fund.The government could strengthen budget control awareness,pay attention to budgeting and supervise budget enforcement to realise an increase in budget control mechanism,ultimately a development will appear in national wide economy.This paper is based on empirical study,the methodology includes regulation analyse and case analyse,which are based on the principle of budget control.Empirically,according to Chinese ?Budget Law?,there are three parts in analyse of government's budget control.The first part is theoretical research which includes literature review and explanation of budget control.The second part is case study which focus on A department of tax inspection to detail the advantage and shortcoming of its budget control.The final part is about the research on strategies,This paper is to analyze the imperfection in theory and practice of budgetary control via case study and hereby theoretically represent possible suggestion in promote the low efficiency of governmental budget.Through the research and analysis on this paper,it is found that budget control plays an important role in the management of government departments.?Budget Law?also has a great impact on the management of government.Only if the government departments attach great importance to budget control and seriously implement the relevant requirements of ?Budget Law?,it can improve the efficiency of government funds using and enhance the government management functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government department, budget control, case study
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