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The Research On Accounting Treatment And Information Disclosure Of Commercial Banks' Financial Management Business

Posted on:2019-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChuFull Text:PDF
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The diversification of fast-growing internet finance and investment channels in the new era has made the banking industry increasingly fiercely competitive.To cope with challenges from within the industry and across industries,various commercial banks have used modern financial engineering technology to launch financial management projects that include various types of investments.Financial innovation quickly meets the needs of the current capital market in China.The wealth management business of various commercial banks continues to grow,and the contribution of wealth management services to bank net profit increases year by year.China's commercial wealth management business started late and developed rapidly.Its investment field involves securities,insurance,banking and other fields,and has a wide range of features,complex structures,and diversified operational processes.It is currently regulated by China's separated business operations.In the background,a series of new requirements and challenges have been brought to accounting,management,and information disclosure in practice.The rapid development of wealth management services has temporarily shifted but accumulated systemic risks in the financial market.Under the current background of not yet fully establishing the supervision of commercial banks' wealth management business,if risks are transmitted to the real economy,not only will they cause reputational risks and economic losses of commercial banks.It will also cause greater social and economic fluctuations.However,in the current practice,there are no standardized and uniform standards for reflecting the bank's wealth management business matters and operating conditions,so it is impossible to provide the regulatory authorities and investors with effective information for decision making.At the same time,with the introduction of new regulations on asset management,net wealth management business is a future development trend.Therefore,it is of great significance to explore the accounting and information disclosure specifications of China's commercial banks for wealth management during the transitional period of new regulations and in the future,and to effectively monitor systemic performance.Financial risks regulate the commercial banks' wealth management business in China.At present,practitioners have discussed the current state of accounting and information disclosure in the wealth management business of commercial banks in China,and have elaborated on the accounting and information disclosure of large commercial banks.They have not paid attention to the small and medium-sized city commercial banks that have performed well on these businesses.This paper firstly defines the meaning of the research object and analyzes its nature,and clarifies the related accounting requirements of bank financial management.Then,through the analysis of the relevant accounting and reports of all current listed banks and the financial services of non-listed commercial banks that can collect relevant information,the main methods of commercial bank accounting for wealth management services are summarized.Then,according to the current supervision direction and the nature of commercial bank wealth management asset management,it points out the problems of commercial banks in the accounting treatment and information disclosure of wealth management services.Finally,in conjunction with the new asset management regulations,the Bank proposes specific proposals for strengthening external macro management practices and improving the internal management of commercial banks for future accounting and disclosure.Through the study,the author finds that the accounting system of current commercial bank wealth management services is not perfect,the basis is not sufficient,the accounting policies are more selective,the financial management business is not unified,and other issues are not unified,which leads to incomparable accounting information related to wealth management services;The content of information disclosure is incomplete and inconsistent.It is not cautious about non-guaranteed wealth management services and has less disclosure content,which reduces the usefulness of accounting information.In response to the above issues,this paper analyzes the accounting treatment of different wealth management businesses,and proposes related accounting and information disclosure recommendations.Finally,it proposes improving the supervision of loan-to-deposit ratios,strengthening macro-prudential supervision,and standardizing internal management recommendations for commercial banks' wealth management services.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial bank, Financial management business, Accounting treatment, Information disclosure
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