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An Analysis Of The Development Of Tourism In Algeria

Posted on:2018-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330512499311Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of tourism in Algeria is linked to the historical destiny of the Algerian nation.France began to invade Algeria in 1830,followed by Algeria gradually became to a French colony.French colonial rule in order to meet the needs of European tourists travel for tourism,the French colonial authorities began to organize European tourists to Algeria,driven by the French colonial authorities,the rise of modern tourism in Algeria quietly.Algeria gained independence in 1962,after which the Algerian government began to dominate its tourism.Since 1966 Algeria began to develop economic development plan,and the tourism into the national economic development planning.With the efforts of the government,the tourism gained rapid development.By the middle of the 1980s,the tourism gained a short-term glory.After independence,Algeria implemented a socialist planned economic system,the overall development of the tourism industry in Algeria during the planned economy was limited,but it had made significant progress compared to the French colonial period.90's history in Algeria is a turning point in the fate of history,both about the national life and death,but also closely linked with national development.In the 1990s Algeria began to implement the market economy system,the tourism ushered in new opportunities,but during this period the outbreak of political turmoil in Algeria,tourism development has been seriously affected.After the political turmoil,tourism in Algeria once again strongly in the recovery difficulties,the number of tourists and tourism revenue to achieve a major breakthrough in the economic and social impact of tourism is growing.The current Algeria is still a developing country,in this national conditions,the overall competitiveness of the tourism industry in Algeria is weak,the tourism investment is insufficient,the tourist source structure is single,the high quality tourism management talent is lack,the regional security situation is turbulent,the tourism environment question is outstanding and other factors.The Algerian government has made great efforts to improve the overall development of the tourism.However,compared with neighboring countries,the tourism in Algeria still has a big gap.Obviously,the future of Algeria tourism in order to achieve greater development,it needs to continue efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Algeria, tourism development, problems, countermeasures
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