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The Application Status And Infiltration Strategies Of High School Students' Combination Of Number And Shape

Posted on:2020-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HanFull Text:PDF
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There are two main lines in mathematics teaching,which are basic mathematics knowledge teaching and mathematics thought method teaching.the methodology of number-shape combination is one of the important mathematical ideas,which runs through the whole mathematical knowledge system of high school.The new round of curriculum reform pays more attention to the cultivation of students' exploration and innovation ability,which puts forward higher requirements for students' understanding and application ability of the methodology of number-shape combination,and also poses new challenges to teachers' teaching.Therefore,it is necessary to research and analyze the current situation of students' application ability of the methodology of number-shape combination,so as to give some teaching strategies and suggestions.This paper describes the main line of the methodology of number-shape combination during the teaching and investigates students' present ability of the mathematical ideology through the form of questionnaire.through literature analysis,questionnaire,interview way,teachers and students to know the methodology of number-shape combination the application status of high school students,teachers should explore how to cultivate students the ability to combine several form,not only make the methodology of number-shape combination become students fast effective problem solving method,but also makes its rise is a kind of mathematical thinking,and as the students' mathematics accomplishment.Specifically,this paper makes an empirical investigation on the application the methodology of number-shape combination,and finds that students' understanding of the methodology of number-shape combination is one-sided and their application ability of the methodology of number-shape combination is weak.The main reasons are that students' ability to transform the three forms of mathematical language is relatively weak,students' ability to draw pictures is weak,and students' reflection on the topic is not deep.The paper gives some strategic Suggestions according to the problems found,including changingteachers' ideas,making good use of materials in textbooks,paying attention to the teaching of mathematical language,and using information technology reasonably to strengthen the correspondence between Numbers and shapes.
Keywords/Search Tags:the methodology of number-shape combination, application status, teaching strategies, competence development
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