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Practical Research On The Cultivation Of High-level Cognitive Ability In Junior High School Science Subjects

Posted on:2020-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the students' cultivation of the core literacy,and the putting forward of The Opinions About Deepening The Reform Of Education Mechanism,in the process of teaching students' basic knowledge and basic skills,the problem of how to strengthen students' key competences to support lifelong development and adapting to the requirements of this era is getting more and more important.The cultivation of cognitive ability,one of the four key competences,is the basis of the rest key competences cultivation.The science teaching in middle school should not only let students master basic knowledge,but also let students use science knowledge to solve practical problems.Therefore,we should not stop at simple cognition and skills,but pay attention to students' advanced cognition.Based on Bloom's classification theory of cognitive domain goals,this study takes "analysis,evaluation and creation" as higher-order cognitive goals,and the specific higher-order cognitive abilities are embodied in specific learning behaviors,such as discrimination,selection and integration,inspection and detection,comment and judgment,hypothesis generation,planning and design,creation and invention,so as to improve the scientific literacy of students.After evaluating,investigating and analyzing the current situation of middle school students' cognitive ability in science learning and many factors affecting their development of advanced cognitive ability,two classes of students with similar initial cognitive ability were selected for control experiment teaching,by using five the following main teaching strategies to promote the students of higher order cognitive ability cultivation for practical researching:(1)Guided by the big concept of science,the theme of design unit helps orderly cognition;(2)Strengthening the problem chain composed of basic problems,promote cognitive development and in-depth thinking;(3)electronic devices improve students' "learning experience" and provide auxiliary tools for cognition and analysis;(4)To grasp the "zone of proximal development" and strengthen the understanding of macro and micro levels;(5)Integrate the history of science into exploratory experiments to help students' cognition and innovation.Through nearly a year of research,the experimental class students in the science of higher cognitive target of specific learning and behavior effects have been significantly improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle school science, Higher-order cognition, Teaching strategies
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