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Research And Practice Of Problem-based Teaching In Junior Middle School Mathematics Classroom

Posted on:2019-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the increasing globalization and the severe challenge of knowledge economy,China's basic education reform is constantly deepening and accelerating the transformation,and has entered the deep water area,the rapid development of society for students' various ability requirements are becoming higher and higher,especially learning ability.Problem-based teaching is in line with the new situation of current educational reform and development and the actual situation of students' learning..Problem-based teaching is that students learn independently under the guidance of teachers,consciously guide students to find mathematical problems,put forward mathematical problems,mathematical problems as the carrier,to the teacher's “guide”as the main line,to the students' learning “as the target,teachers and students through the classroom carrier of mathematical problems form two-way communication and interactive dialogue,promote each other,teaching mutually.The mathematics problem in classroom teaching mainly comes from the difficulty and perplexity that the students meet when they study new content independently before class and the problem that the teacher carefully presumes.Taking students' questions as the starting point of classroom teaching not only conforms to students' cognitive rules,but also enables students to quickly enter the learning state,which causes great curiosity and interest to the mathematics problems.Through teachers' pre-set,different levels of' questions' and effective questions,timely inquiry,the mathematics classroom develops and advances in depth,so that students can master mathematics knowledge,cultivate and improve mathematics learning skills.The problem is to serve mathematics teaching,is to improve students' thinking.Therefore,in order to enable students to more accurately and comprehensively understand and grasp the mathematical knowledge and problem,requires studentstowriteacertainamount of mathematical exercises before class,and make a complete answer,in the process of classroom practice,combined with the teacher to prepare exercises to detect students' mastery of knowledge and proficiency.In the process of classroom teaching,through group cooperation,explore the form to solve the mathematical problems raised by students,guide students to actively participate in learning activities,launched a heated discussion,express their own views and opinions,learn from other students' solutions and problem-solving ideas,learn from each other,progress each other,grow together,enhance the application of mathematics consciousness,and for each student's classroom learning performance for positive evaluation,use evaluation mechanism to encourage students to participate in learning activities more actively and more actively.In order to comprehensively and systematically study how to implement problem-based teaching in junior high school mathematics classroom,this paper mainly uses the methods of literature analysis,investigation and case analysis to carry out detailed investigation and study.Through the analysis of the questionnaire survey results of the first-line mathematics teachers and some junior high school students in the school,teachers and students are familiar with the mathematics classroom teaching mode of problem teaching,teachers can use this mode to organize students to learn,students can use this mode to actively solve the mathematics problem,forming a “teacher willing to teach,students happy learning” beautiful teaching landscape,classroom atmosphere is very harmonious,teachers and students can complete the classroom teaching tasks with high quality and efficiency,but there are also some students lost interest in mathematics,leading to the classroom to explore problem is not active,lack of answer problem is not active I firmly believe that with the promotion of this teaching model,the above problems will not only besolved,and students will rekindle interest in mathematics and hope,will perform better.Problem-based teaching is based on self-study before class.Students must study mathematics teaching materials carefully during self-study,weigh the arrangement system of teaching materials,grasptheconnectionofmathematics knowledge,carefully analyze examples and fully understand the value and function of examples,so as to find out difficult and confused problems,put forward high-quality problems and improvestudents' consciousness of learning mathematics and using mathematics.Problem teaching to group cooperative learning as the basic form of organization,students found and put forward mathematical problems in the group to discuss,exchange,there are indeed difficult problem between the group to try to solve,so that each student has the opportunity to speak and courage,cultivate the spirit of unity and cooperation between students.Based on the logic and thinking of mathematics,problem teaching also requires teachers to correctly control the learning direction of students,in the process of discussion of problem bias to remind students in time,correctthewrongconsciousness,to avoidstudentsfrom mathematics teachingdirectionandgoal.This paper expounds in detail the model construction and concrete implementation steps of problem-based teaching.This teaching method not only makes students dare to question,good at questioning,but also further cultivate students' interest in mathematics learning,improve students' mathematics learning ability,at the same time enhance the students' problem consciousness,has positive practical significance for the future teaching reform of classroom education.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school, autonomous learning, problems, found, put forward, to solve, teaching significance
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