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Research On The Reading Activities Of The Chinese Communist Party In Yan'an Period

Posted on:2021-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330605960041Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese nation has always had a fine tradition of valuing reading and studying,entailing both the noble pursuit of succession of books and the deep respectful and cherishing feelings for writing and paper,which is an important reason for the long-standing and eternal Chinese civilization and its continuous culture.As the successor and proponent of Chinese traditional culture,Chinese Communist Party is bound to take practical action in succeeding the fine tradition of reading.The guiding ideology of Chinese Communist Party is Marxism and the establishment of Chinese Communist Party is inseparable from the spread of Marxism,which contains the inevitability of learning and studying Marxism theory.In the history of the Chinese Communist Party,the Yan'an period was an important time period of systematic reading.In the context of the anti-Japan and national salvation,the Chinese Communist Party,in order to adjust to the then-current political situation,to enhance the level of Marxist theory of the whole party,to clear up wrong thinking and consolidate the party's organization,carried out a profound,wide-ranging and large-scale reading activity by closely linking reading to then-current situation and party building,which effectively enhanced the theoretical cultivation of the vast number of party members and leading cadres and the level of Marxist theory of the entire party.This dissertation has conducted a systematic study of the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period from a perspective of reading history,structured the writing and discussed in detail the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period according to the basic line of thinking for reading history research,i.e.when,where,why to read,how to read,who to read,what to read and the effects of reading.The dissertation is divided into five parts.The first part is about the background and conditions of the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period,analyzing the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during the Yan'an period mainly from the two dimensions of background and conditions,explaining why reading activities should be and could be carried out by respectively describing the Chinese Communist Party being at the forefront of nation and democracy revolutionary struggle,facing the new situation of the overall anti-Japanese war,clearing out the left-leaning wrong thinking and a relatively stable border region environment,a relatively stable leading collectivity,and the great attempts at local governance;the second part is about the main content of the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period,expounding the main content of the reading activities during Yan'an period by analyzing Marxism-Leninism classic works including Marxist philosophical works,Marxist political economics works and scientific socialist works,as well as the books,newspapers and magazines of general philosophy and humanistic and social science that are represented by literary works,historical works and military works;the third part is about the main forms of the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period,analyzing the specific reading forms of reading groups,speeches and lectures and school education during Yan'an period;the fourth part is about the leading,organization and system guarantee of the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period,discussing the guarantee of the reading activities during Yan'an period particularly focusing on the three aspects: leadership attention,well-established organization and specific systems;the fifth part is about the effectiveness and enlightenment of the reading activities of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan'an period.The reading effectiveness is illustrated specifically from four aspects: having enhanced the ideals,beliefs and theoretical attainment of party members and leading cadres,having raised the level of Marxist theory of the whole party,having promoted the unity of the whole party on the foundation of Marxist theory,having advanced the building of a learning-oriented party.And,the enlightenment for building a Marxist learning party in the new era and enhancing the party's ruling skills is illustrated through four aspects: reading Marxist classics is an important way for cadre education,transforming the spiritual world is of great significance in strengthening party building,and complete and feasible system design is an important guarantee for achieving learning goals,focused reading strategy according to the varying situations,and the achievability of spiritual abundance under difficult material conditions.Studying Yan'an is more of studying the present.Looking back at Yan'an means looking forward to the future.The struggle history of the Chinese Communist Party is the history of "remaining true to the original aspiration and committing the mission to memory".In the new era,more efforts should be put in to pursue eternity in the classics,combine the ever-changing era with the unchanging classics,combine the simple original aspiration with lofty pursuit,take a firm stand through reading,clarify directions through reading,implement the original aspiration through reading,and do an excellent job through reading.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan'an period, Chinese Communist Party, Party building, reading activities
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