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Research On Beijing's Literacy Campaign In The Early Days Of The Founding Of New China

Posted on:2019-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330572953583Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the early period of new China,the existence of a large number of illiterate and semiliterate people,severely restrict the construction of new China.At that moment,the communist party of China has just established for not long,it was faced with an economic mess.To consolidate the new regime and to speed up the economic development were very essential to the Chinese communist party leaders.Anti-literacy campaign was the key point to solve the problems in politics,economy and culture.The anti-literacy campaign in Beijing derived from new climate which was formed by the national anti-literacy movement.That campaign in Beijing also adapted to the new Beijing's political and economic construction and the cultural demands of workers and peasants.In essence,the Beijing municipal government carried out the anti-literacy campaign to promote political education and then to make the party's ideology and concept rooted in large number of workers and peasants.In early China,through effective propaganda sound organizational management,concentration and dispersion of literacy organization forms,movement-type literacy,the Beijing municipal government successively presented two anti-literacy campaigns,respectively,the quick anti-literacy promotion in 1952 and the establishment of literacy association in 1956.The movement in Beijing not only made the masses improve their cultural quality,at the same time also strengthened the socialist identity of them,thus achieving its services for the construction of socialist political demands.During the practice,Beijing anti-literacy campaign showed that the large-scale anti-literacy was under the leadership of government and the characteristics of anti-literacy were institutionalized.It could not be denied that Beijing anti-literacy during early period of new China obtained the certain result,providing the new Beijing with political and economic construction personnel and improving the cultural quality the masses.However,anti-Literacy campaign was a political movement.It was hard for the campaign to avoid drop into the trap of movement expansion and rash advance.In the process of anti-literacy campaign,literacy programs were sometimes too rush and too fast,or for the pursuit of a crash,or with dogmatism and formalism.So that caused many students to went back to the literacy.At the sametime,in the process of anti-literacy campaign,because of literacy index layers of overweight and false literacy number,it was difficult to guarantee the quality of anti-literacy.Therefore,to investigate early anti-literacy campaign in Beijing during the early period of new China is very important for anti-literacy in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beijing, Anti-literacy campaign, Lessons, Importance
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