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Research On The Countermeasures To Improve The Immigration Policy Of Jiuquan City

Posted on:2016-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330563452001Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the new era,combined with the reality of China's economic construction,the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC established to 2020 to achieve full completion of the magnificent goal of a well-off society.In accordance with the central unified deployment,Gansu Province,combined with local characteristics have also developed a series of plans,including Jiuquan City,east of the 180000 people's immigration project is one of the key projects.Immigration project is not only about the well-being of every immigrant's life,but also makes the local social structure changes,the economic and social development have a huge impact.Research on how to carry out the work of immigrants in the new era,and solve the problem of the reality of Jiuquan City,Jiuquan City immigration policy to improve the countermeasures.Although the immigrati on project has been at all levels of government attaches great importance to,all personnel also play their part,work diligently,but the combination of the actual work of Engineering immigrants in it is not difficult to find,together with the immigrants bring immigration industry slow income increase of difficult,immigrant employment difficult phenomenon is obvious,the immigration household registration system is not reasonable,immigration supporting system lag issues related to development is more prominent.Around these problems,this paper aims to analyze the current situation and problems of Jiuquan's immigration policy,and analyze the causes of the problem,and then formulate a reasonable and effective countermeasures.Through literature analysis,data analys is and comparative analys is method,the paper summarizes the background and motivation of Jiuquan immigrants,discusses the experience and problems of Jiuquan's immigration policy,and then analyzes the Countermeasures of Jiuquan's immigration policy.In this paper,we do a good job in the early planning,strengthening the existing immigration management system,more prominent law in the role of immigration,the establishment of social security system,and vigorously develop the immigration area economy is an effective solution to improve the local immigration policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Immigration, People's livelihood, Perfect countermeasures
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