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Research On The Historical Evolution Of Marx's Concept Of Happiness

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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In the long history of human development,happiness has always been the goal and good vision of mankind.Therefore,in the history of human thought,countless thinkers have been discussing this topic.Philosophers,in particular,take the pursuit of human happiness as their ultimate concern.However,in the perspective of traditional philosophy,happiness is more discussed in the abstract mental level,even the other shore state.Marx also paid attention to the issue of happiness in different periods of ideological development.Especially after the establishment of historical materialism,he made a reasonable interpretation of human happiness,forming a more realistic view of human life.Marx devoted all his life to the cause of human freedom and liberation,which is also the cause of human pursuit and realization of happiness.Although Marx did not study the issue of happiness,he made a beneficial discussion on the issue of happiness from multiple dimensions and levels.Especially after the establishment of historical materialism,he established a realistic road to happiness,which has an important enlightening role for people who still seek happiness today.This paper takes the evolution history of Marx's concept of happiness as the research object and analyzes Marx's concept of happiness in different periods.The thesis consists of an introduction and four chapters.73/5000This paper discusses Marx's concept of happiness from four aspects: germination,promotion,maturity and from theory to practice,and analyzes the cause and internal logic of his thought change.The first chapter analyzes Marx's early democratic happiness view.Under the influence of bourgeois democracy,Marx combined his personal ideal with the society,which showed his life belief and pursuit in his youth.The second chapter analyzes Marx's view of humanitarian happiness.From the standpoint of humanistic materialism,Marx's alienation through labor alienation shows that his understanding of happiness is closer to people's real life.The third chapter analyzes the happiness view of Marx's historical materialism.Starting from the realistic people,Marx attributed the pursuit of happiness to the real world of human beings,and clarified that Marx determined the logical starting point,ending point and intermediary of his concept of happiness on the basis of scientific definition of human nature.The fourth chapter explains the marxist concept of combining with the practice,analysis of a capitalist society under the deep roots of the misery of the proletariat,clarified by the constant struggle of the proletariat,to change the capital logic,for the realization of the liberation of path,and ultimately to everyone free and comprehensive development of communism,is to realize the free kingdom of human happiness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Happiness View, Historical Evolution
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