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Chinese Contemporary Leisure Aesthetics Research

Posted on:2021-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330623470803Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In contemporary society,with the improvement of productivity and the increase of holidays,leisure time is becoming more and more.People are constantly pursuing leisure life and carrying out leisure activities after hard work.Over time,leisure has become an indispensable part of People's Daily life.Its quality not only affects the progress and development of the society,but also affects whether people can have a healthy and comprehensive development.As a result,"how to relax" has become an unavoidable problem that must be faced and solved.In the meantime,aesthetics also advocates to turn from the traditional art field to the daily life of the contemporary social masses,so that the aesthetic has a certain reality,play its due social and cultural functions.Aesthetics can guide active and healthy leisure culture,and leisure culture can make aesthetics have more realistic discourse and functions.Therefore,under the background of this era,leisure aesthetics came into being.Shall implement a system of five-day work in China in 1995,then increased the "golden week" holidays,national leisure flourished,meanwhile Chinese scholars also began to pay attention to the "leisure aesthetics" the topic,the research of the relationship between leisure and aesthetics,discusses how to can make both better able to blend together,so as to improve the quality of the contemporary popular leisure.So far,Chinese contemporary leisure aesthetics has made some achievements after more than ten years of development.The study of Chinese contemporary leisure aesthetics can not only guide people to carry out leisure activities effectively,but also promote the development of aesthetics and let aesthetics into real life.This paper is divided into five parts: introduction is to introduce the significance of the topic,research status,research ideas and methods.The first chapter mainly discusses the three stages of Chinese contemporary leisure aesthetics: the embryonic stage,the exploratory stage and the construction stage,which clearly presents the development course of Chinese contemporary leisure aesthetics.The second chapter summarizes and analyzes the main research contents of contemporary leisure aesthetics in China,makes clear the meaning and characteristics of leisure beauty,discusses the basic qualities of leisure subjects,explores the aesthetic connotation of leisure,and reveals the intrinsic nature of leisure.The third chapter discusses the characteristics of Chinese contemporary leisure aesthetics.Firstly,explore the resources of ancient leisure aesthetic thoughts,combine with the contemporary reality,and advocate the return to the true self;Secondly,absorbing the essence of western leisure aesthetic thoughts,the pursuit of "dynamic" and "static" integration of the aesthetic state;Finally,it breaks the limitation of traditional aesthetics,broadens the research scope of the object of observation,and makes up for the lack of practice of traditional aesthetics.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the influence of China's contemporary leisure aesthetics from three aspects: from the perspective of real life,aesthetic leisure style promotes people to live a poetic leisure life;From the aspect of social economy,by correcting people's wrong ideas,behaviors and purposes of leisure,it drives the leisure industry to develop actively,thus leading the aesthetic economy to a healthy and correct path;From the perspective of theoretical development,as a people-oriented leisure aesthetics,it enriches the humanisticconnotation of aesthetics,has a strong application of leisure aesthetics,and makes the social function of aesthetics more prominent.Leisure aesthetics examines leisure from the perspective of aesthetics and discusses how to carry out real leisure,so as to explore the aesthetic value and cultural connotation of leisure.Through aesthetic leisure,people can enhance their own cultivation,improve their personal quality,find the meaning of life and realize their own value.At the same time,as a "practitioner" who turns aesthetics from theory to practice and from abstract to concrete,leisure aesthetics also shoulders the heavy burden of returning aesthetics to life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Contemporary, The Leisure Beauty, Leisure Aesthetic
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