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Fashion And National Image Construction

Posted on:2021-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P K JiFull Text:PDF
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As a cultural symbol,fashion conveys deep connotations and meanings through its various representations.Fashion is a component of soft power.It represents the history,the culture and the ideas of a country and a nation.Based on one country's political,economic,cultural and other resources,national image is the comprehensive view and evaluation from the public of other countries shaped through external communication and interaction.During the construction of national image,fashion is able to display a country's temperament,express its attitude,and bring people together.At the end of 2019,the well-known online blogger Li Ziqi was reported by People's Daily on Weibo and WeChat,which once again aroused heated discussion about her videos.Prior to this,many of Li Ziqi's videos had received more than ten million views on YouTube.Since then,Li Ziqi has become a cultural symbol and the synonym for fashion.She has assumed the responsibility of "cultural communication",promoting Chinese national image by disseminating Chinese culture and spirit.The example of Li Ziqi is of significance to the use of fashion resources for Chinese national image construction.In today's world where the new media,like social media,is under rapid development,the use of these fashion resources can effectively construct Chinese national image.In the meantime,however,it is also necessary to pay attention to the disadvantages of fashion itself and the potential problems in the process of cross-cultural communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fashion, National image, Li Ziqi, Symbol
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