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On The Structural Art Of Shen Congwen's Novels

Posted on:2021-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X MuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330611992497Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shen Congwen is a famous Chinese writer.He has authored more than 200 novels in his life,which has shown that he is a veritable prolific writer.Shen Congwen's novels are mainly divided into two categories.The first category is country novels.In this type,the author describes happy and warm country lives,and creates a series of simple and kind country characters.This type highlights the beauty of humanity of country residents.The second category is urban novels,which describe morbid urban humanity and reflect Shen Congwen's views on urban civilization.The structure of Shen Congwen's novels has diversified traits,which is one of the reasons why Shen Congwen's novels are popular.This article will study the structural art of Shen Congwen's novels from two angles of structure types and structural aesthetic characteristics combined with the relevant theories of narratology on the basis of reading Shen Congwen's novels.This article is divided into three parts.The first part introduces the research status of Shen Congwen's novel structure,and explains the research methods and significance of this article.The second part studies the structure types of Shen Congwen's novels,and summarizes the types into linear structure,blank structure and transitional structure.The third part analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of Shen Congwen's novel structure,and summarizes them into logical beauty,mysterious beauty and astonishing beauty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shen Congwen, Novels, Structural Art
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