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Jasper Jones' Painting Art Research

Posted on:2021-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Jasper Johns is recognized as one of the most important artists in the United States after World War II.In 2011,Jones became the first artist to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom since 1978.The purpose of studying Jones' s artistic creation is that,on the one hand,because there are few Chinese monographs that introduce Jones,it limits the study of Jones and Western modern and contemporary art in the 20 th century to a certain extent;on the other hand,Jones' artistic thought The development of pop art has had a major impact.To this day,Jones' artistic thoughts still have a reference for understanding the development of contemporary art.Jasper Jones is a wide-ranging artist.In addition to paintings,Jones' prints and sculptures have achieved very high achievements.As far as the content involved in this article is concerned,the art of painting is the main research object.This article adopts the research method of imageology,taking Jasper Jones' paintings in different periods as a clue,focusing on the analysis of its artistic style,personal creation methods and artistic characteristics,and trying to illustrate Jones' s artistic creation on modern and contemporary art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jasper Johns, American Abstract Expressionism
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