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Collation And Translation Of "Feng Ya Twelve Poems"

Posted on:2021-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330605962240Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The book of elegant twelve poems was handed down by Zhao Yansu in the Southern Song Dynasty.It was first seen in the book of rites,biography and general interpretation written by Zhu Xi in the Song Dynasty.Due to the popularization of printing technology in Song Dynasty and the attention paid by Song people to poetry and music,the elegant twelve poems has been well preserved and spread.Based on the investigation of the spread of the book of twelve elegant poems and the sorting of the existing versions,this paper makes clear that the book of rites is the main source of the later books,including the book of rites.Based on this,the author chooses the book of Yili Sutra as the basis of collation.In the collation,the author combines the relevant achievements in the field of classical philology,and from the perspective of edition study,makes an investigation on three kinds of "song published,Yuan published,Ming Dynasty revised edition" of the book of rites.By comparing with shiqiaoben(only one volume of the doctrine of the mean),which was published in the Song Dynasty,the supplement situation of the three versions of the poetry spectrum was made clear.On this basis,the author selects out the original parts of the three versions of the poetry score,and combines the degree of spread and the proportion of supplement to form a new collation base,so as to carry out the collation of the poetry score.Among them,pages 1-10 are based on the "old collection of Ding Bingjiu" collected by Nanjing Library,and pages 11-12 are based on the "old collection of Fu Zengxiang" collected by Toyo Culture Institute,Tokyo University.In addition,based on the collation results of this paper,the author further attempts to translate the "elegant twelve poems".In the work of translation,the author selects the pitch of the yellow bell according to the results of some scholars' actual measurement of the Dasheng bell.Combined with the palace tune noted after the title of the twelve poems of elegance,the author translates the first six "Xiaoya" into the c-palace style and the last six "Guofeng" into the c-business style.
Keywords/Search Tags:elegant twelve poetry score, elegant music, poetry music, poetry score, ancient music score
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