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Research On The Adaptation Of "Red Lantern"

Posted on:2020-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602951666Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The initial textbook of "Model Opera" Red Lantern is "movie script",and it was finally finalized after repeated adaptations from "Shanghai Opera","Viewing Performance" to "Model Opera".In the series of adaptations,the shaping of the main hero Li Yuhe continues to move closer to the ideal personality of mainstream political expectation.In the process of adaptation,the secular character and the secular emotion are constantly obscured,the class character is gradually enhanced.The character is gradually purified and even deified.Li Yuhe is finally transformed from an ordinary father into a hero of the proletariat revolution;As for the transformation of the opposite character,the positive factors are gradually deprived,the opponent's ability is shortened,which makes the character become single,static,and tend to be formulaic.The reverse character eventually becomes the symbol of the positive character."Model Opera" The Red Lantern directly incorporate political consciousness into the literary and artistic programming through the adaptation of the plot and language.The adaptation of the plot is carried out in accordance with the principle of "the theme first".The purification of the revolutionary theme was completed through the abandonment of various themes,the to iloring of the plot unrelated to the revolution,the modification of the way ofdisp laying the "revolutionary history",and the masses of the people.The emphasis on the auxiliary role in the revolution has achieved the effect of strengthening the revolutionary theme.The adaptation of language further strengthens the theme of revolution by directly revolutionizing the lyrics,increasing the image as a metaphor of revolution,and highlighting the class opposition in language.The first chapter is based on the officially published version of the "model opera"The Red Lantern.It sorts out the formation process of "model opera" The Red Lantern.and introduces the major versions,trying to find out the adaptation mechanism and reasons for formation.The second chapter examines the adaptation process of the main positive characters Li Yuhe and several negative characters.By discussing the changes of these characters in the process of version evolution,the second chapter analyzes the reasons for the changes,with the same characters in different versions,which reflects the logic of the adaptation of The Red Lantern.From the perspective of political aesthetics,the third chapter explores the relationship between the changes of specific plots and the purification and strengthening of revolutionary themes through the careful comparison of the changes and deletions of plots and languages in the process of adaptation of different editions.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Red Lantern, adaptation research, characters, plot, language
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