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The Differences In The Artistic Characteristics Of Female Images In The Tomb Murals Of Yongtai, Yide And Zhang Huai

Posted on:2020-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602451582Subject:Chinese Painting
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The mural of tomb in Tang Dynasty is an important material for the study of painting in Tang Dynasty in contemporary painting circles.The tomb owner of the three burial tombs in the mausoleum is noble,the burial specifications are high,and the unearthed cultural relics and painted murals are of great research value.Zhanghuai,Yide and Yongtai all died in Li Tang political struggle with Wu Zhou,after Tang Zhongzong Emperor came to power,he moved the tomb of three people to the mausoleum in 706 AD,and the two tombs of Yongtai and Yide were buried with the system of"tomb for the Mausoleum",while Li Xian only the rank of Prince,and by 711,Tang Zhongrui Emperor Li Dan was chased as Prince,posthumous Zhanghuai,and the some murals in the tomb have been redrawn to conform to their existing identity,the front and rear passage of the tomb and the front and rear tombs have been drawn twice,and this article explores the female image in Zhanghuai tomb belongs to the redrawn part,so Yongtai,Yide and Zhanghuai tomb in the front and back of the aisle,The female image art style of the front and rear tombs is different.This paper takes the female images in the murals of three burial tombs as the object of discussion,which is divided into four parts:The first part is the basic generalization of the female image in the murals of three burial tombs,and collates the specific position and picture content of the female image appearing in the mural.The second part of the Shaanxi region has a clear time recorded in the 52 female image of the mural tomb,and according to its female image art style divided into the first Tang,Wu Zhou,Sheng Tang and the Middle and late Tang Dynasty four periods,in order to define three burial tomb murals of female image art style,proving that the three tombs are built at the same time.However,due to special historical reasons,the female image in the tomb of Yongtai and Yide belongs to the elegant and moving style of Wu Zhou period,while the tomb of Zhanghuai belongs to the transition from the prosperous period of Wu Zhou style to the period of the Tang Dynasty,which basically belongs to the grace and plump style of the Tang Dynasty.The third part discusses the different characteristics of female image art in the three tomb murals,from the picture composition,character modeling,color techniques and line drawing techniques of these four aspects of the examination.The fourth part is the reason of the different artistic characteristics of female images in the three tombs,which is discussed from four aspects,such as the change of political factors,the difference of social identity,the different drawing time and the change of social aesthetic style.Through the different understanding of the artistic characteristics of female images in three mural tombs,it provides a new angle for us to study women's paintings,and it is also of great significance for the future painting creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:murals, female images, artistic features, different
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