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The Collation And Research Of "Chen Shi·Wen Mo Men"

Posted on:2020-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602451170Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
????is an encyclopedia of the ancient Chinese women's social life written by the Qing Dynasty Wang Chutong.In this class of books,it covers all aspects of ancient women's birth and death,marital status,and daily life.???·????is a part of the????,a total of six volumes,877 articles,respectively,from the"academic”,"poetry"?"calligraphy","painting","pen and ink" The historical materials related to women reflect the classics,skills and tools used by ancient women,which is of great help to our study of the social life of ancient women.This article is based on the "Collection and Research of???·????,based on the???·????,combined with other literature and handed down paintings,archaeological materials,etc.Female historical materials are studied.The research on???·????is divided into two parts:one is the study of the spiritual level,which mainly consists of four parts:"academic","poetry","calligraphy"and "painting".The combing of some documents can understand the literary and artistic life of ancient women;the second is the study of material level,which mainly includes the part of "writing in ink and paper",which can explore the characteristics of the literature from the perspective of women,and find that the literature is "voiced" by women.Special significance.The word "academic" has been used in ancient times.In ancient China,it was in the category of "academic" to learn the techniques of governing the country and to understand the principles of learning.However,women have never been the protagonist in the field of "academic".In???·????,the "Academic" part is a comprehensive collection of ancient women's readings,academic knowledge and other related content,which rarely preserves the "academic" status of ancient women and corrects the modern people for ancient times.The narrow perception of women's "long hair,short insight",the mining of ancient women's social status and "academic" value are of great significance.In???·????,the main performances of the women involved in "academic"are:First,reading.Second,the writings.Third,academic talent.Through the analysis and summary of women's "academic" performance,we can have a simple understanding of the "academic" profile of ancient Chinese women,and help us to further analyze the situation of ancient women's poetry,paintings and calligraphy,and to pry into women's"text" The unique contribution of the foundation lays the foundation.In???·????,"Poetry" is an important part of the female literary talent.In the "Poetry",it mainly includes relevant historical materials about female poetry creation,and it also involves the content,theme and creative emotion of female poetry creation.From this we can see the emotional world and creation of ancient women.The background of poetry.Calligraphy and painting are a way of expressing emotions and expressing oneself.For women,it is a channel to broaden artistic literacy and aesthetic taste.?????contains the themes and contents of women's calligraphy and painting.From the experience to the ancient women's accomplishments in calligraphy and painting,we can also see the characteristics of women's calligraphy and painting.The last part of???·????contains a unique collection of the contents of the ancient women's study.This part is unique in that the?????section shows many women related to the library on the level of material culture.Historical materials are excellent materials for us to explore the unique aesthetics and contributions of ancient women in the study.This section is mainly based on the four treasures of the Wenfang paper,plus some records about the "print".Through the collation of the original literature,we can further explore the shape,characteristics and cultural connotation of the houses used by women.In short,the exploration of the female spiritual field in traditional society is of great significance for us to examine the true appearance of women in history.Exploring the female life involved in???·????will help us further explore the contributions and efforts of women in the field of ancient literature and art.In the last part of the article,the author will attach the original text of the???·????after the school and the commentary to the text of the paper for use.
Keywords/Search Tags:???·????, female academic, literature and art, study room
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