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A Study On The Picture Dissemination Of Mongolian Cultural Symbols In New Media

Posted on:2020-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H NaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330596492093Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of new media provides fertile soil for the spread of culture.As a long-standing culture,Mongolian culture also seizes the opportunity and promotes the promotion and dissemination of the national culture.Cultural symbols refer to the cultural forms recognized and carried by a certain cultural group.Under the active dissemination of mass media,the representative symbols of a certain group are formed in people's cognition.Picture communication has its own convenience and viewability,which simplifies the complexity of the text.Pictures attract more attention and make people impressed than words.The dissemination effect is also more obvious than pure text.This paper focuses on Mongolian cultural symbols and explores the image dissemination of Mongolian cultural symbols in the new media.In the process of picture dissemination,besides the shortcomings of culture itself,there are also stereotypes from the outside world.The media often set Mongolian labels on yurts,wrestling,grasslands,Nadam and other cultural symbols,and then spread them to form a stereotype of Mongolian.The case study of this paper starts with the stereotype and discusses how to re-interpret the Mongolian cultural symbols in the picture communication,break the stereotype,and then develop the development and inheritance of Mongolian culture.This paper consists of three parts:introduction,main content and summary.The introduction mainly includes the main contents of the study,the purpose and significance of the study,the current research situation,research methods and so on.The main content first discusses the development of new media,cultural symbols,leads to the topic.The second part introduces the picture dissemination,the study of cultural symbols on Mongolian new media and the existing problems.The third part is the case analysis,and finally summarizes the study of Mongolian cultural symbols in new media.
Keywords/Search Tags:new media, Mongolian, cultural symbols, picture dissemination
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