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Research On Sun Demin's Drama Creation

Posted on:2020-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330590463562Subject:Theater, film and television
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This dissertation adopts Chinese traditional operas composed by Sun Demin,a contemporary playwright of Hebei Province,as the research object.From the initiator's dynamic research perspective incorporating synchronicity and diachronicity,the internal driving force of the evolution from opera to traditional opera is examined,and the major characteristic of adapting operas of the same theme into different types is explored.The theme,art characteristics and creation of Sun Demin's traditional opera creation are discussed from the perspective of traditional opera creation.On that basis,traditional opera creation theories are systematically and comprehensively analyzedChapter 1 summarizes achievements of theatre creation combining the author's personal experience and creation background according to the time sequence of Sun Demin's composition activities.The general opera creation path of Sun Demin can be divided into exploration,advance,transcendence,and return to traditional opera creation.Proceeding from the realistic creation traditions,Sun Deminhas created many historical operas and modern rural operas based on materials of Hebei Province,which has shaped the art gallery of Villa Drama.In 2007,Sun Demin created Tangju,The Snow Has been Coming Late,which marked the start of his opera creation.Later,he came up with masterpieces,including Hebei Clapper Operas—Jiuxiang and Rustling Wind upon Stone Gates,and Pingju(a local opera of north and northeast China)TV series,Cheng Zhaocai,to make a figure in the theatre circles.After 2010,Sun Demin subsequently created ten operas.Research into Sun Demin's opera creation from the perspective of theme selection,character shaping and structural skills is independent from striking artistic characteristics of opera creation.Besides,adaption of operas of the same theme into operas,particularly cross-opera re-adaption of works of the same theme,is an in-depth recreation and re-adaption model,which can arouse general attention of academic circlesChapter 2 analyzes the thematic implication of Sun Demin's opera creations.His works usually show his reflections on life and emotional experience.Sun Demin's identity as the "official writer" is obviously different from other modern and contemporary operas.This has decided the personal characteristics reflected in artist's creation theme selection and theme implication expansion,and these personal characteristics are further reflected as the work's inheritance of the main theme and fine traditional culture of Hebei Province.There are works,such as Geng Changsuo and Wan Xue,which reflect new problems existing in major reforms and rural development process of different historical periods.The Hebei Clapper Opera,Li Baoguo,is a touching poem which depicts the introduction of intellectuals to rural areas to spare no effort to popularize scientific education.There is also the long historical and cultural opera,Eastward Journey of Banchen,the anti-Japanesepatriotic Pingju,Little Hero Yulai,etc.Works like Chen Zhaocai sing high praises of the spirit of opera masters who gave the last measure of effort to the art of Pingju,and this work caused a great sensation in the theater circlesChapter 3 emphasizes on combination between opera creation phenomena with opera theory to more deeply and systematically examine art characteristics of Sun Demin's traditional opera works.First,Sun Demin insists on ensuring in-depth integration of life details,and getting rid of stereotypes of "theme-oriented",operas and shackles of indoctrination.His narrative focus is on individuals to establish the plot basis of human feelings and personality,and the narrative construction of basic plot framework.Second,Sun Demin adheres to in-depth re-adaption of plays in the process of opera creation.In the re-adaption process of opera works,Sun Demin attaches greater importance to the connection among conflicts,structures and plots,as well as to portrayal of characters' psychology.Third,Sun Demin largely uses dialects and proverbs to concentratedly reflect many spiritual attributes of Hebei's culture.Sun Demin's opera creation gives full reflection to Hebei's patriotic sentiment of protecting the country and resisting against the foreign invasion since the State of Yan and Zhao,and is full of the aesthetic paradigms of the Yan-Zhao culture,which admires heroism,braveness and justice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sun Demin, opera creation, re-adaption, mainstream theme, characteristics of Yan-Zhao culture
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