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A Study On The Humanoid Ornamentation Of The Dawu People In The Lanyu Area Of ??Taiwan

Posted on:2020-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q M LiuFull Text:PDF
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Lanyu Island and a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean off the southeastern coast of Taiwan are separated in the southeastern part of China.The Dawu nationality is a marine nation distributed on the island.The special geographical environment interacts with the production activities of the Dawu people,which shapes the unique traditional culture of the whole world,including the unique architectural form,the flying fish ceremony,the new house and the completion ceremony of the new boat,the attitude towards death and gods,etc.Make them a very unique group among Taiwan's aborigines.The most special human figure patterns distributed in the sculpture arts of Dawu nationality,such as jigsaw,handicraft and so on,are part of its traditional cultural characteristics.They have different decorative art styles from other areas,and have far-reaching influence on the primitive art of Taiwan and the primitive art of the circum-Pacific region.On the whole,Lanyu Island(Dawu Nationality)has important academic research value and the importance of conservation and management,whether from the natural or cultural point of view.This paper analyses and interprets the connotation of Dawu Nationality's figure decoration from the aspects of graphic research,national beliefs and so on through the research and Discussion on the theme,style and application law of Dawu Nationality,s figure decoration.In this paper,through fieldwork,the catalogue data of the Dawu people's Figure Decoration in Lanyu area of Taiwan and the data of the Li peopled Figure Decoration in Hainan Island area about the Gaoshan people and similar figure decoration in the mainland area are collected.The subject matter and content of the figure decoration are classified according to different forms by using the method of comparative study,and the Paiwan people and Li people in Dawu and adjacent areas are compared and analyzed.The commonness and difference in subject matter and content of ethnic Figure Decoration art,find out the law of form and style,and trace back to its eultural source.By discussing the origin of symbolized figure of Dawu people and the category of mountain culture,this paper further explores the origin of the mountain people and the relationship between the mountain people and the motherland.This article is divided into four chapters.The first chapter summarizes the basic situation and current research situation of the Dawu people's Figure Decoration research,summarizes the traditional patterns and cultural arts,ethnic origins and myths and legends of the Dawu people,studies the traditional distribution and modern application of the data sources and figure decoration,and classifies the manifestations of the Dawu people's figure decoration;the second chapter introduces the Paiwan people and Li people in the neighbouring areas.The comparative study of human figure decoration finds out the commonness and difference in the expression of human figure decoration;the third chapter mainly studies the law of art form,style and color of human figure decoration of Dawu nationality;the fourth chapter interprets the connotation and form of human figure decoration of Dawu nationality based on national belief and graphic research,and studies the primitive religious belief embodied in human figure decoration.From the content and style of figure decoration,there are abstract and simplified characters,as well as concrete realistic characters and life scenes,showing a variety of eharacteristics as a whole.Through research,it is found that squatting,dancing and featiier crown human figure patterns have many commonalities and laws in their themes,forms and styles.They have the characteristics of stylization,symbolization and pattern,and the simplified style of simplicity and mystery.The figure decoration of the Dawu nationality shows that the primitive religious beliefs of the society,the worship of ancestors and the observation of daily production and life are closely related.The theme and content have a fixed mode of expression,and its content has a strong symbolic,decorative and functional expression.Formal factors forming this style are closely related to the material,shape and function of the carrier of figure pattern art.The figure decoration of the Dawu nationality has the characteristics of stylization and symbolization.Its symbolic connotation is closely related to the beliefs of the ethnic groups such as myths and legends,ancestor worship and totem worship.The Figure Decoration widely used in the works of art of the Dawu nationality not only has many functions of decoration and aesthetics,but also symbolizes the ancestor incarnation and the family representative pattern,and may also symbolize such activities as prayer,witchcraft and selfhood.However,worship,ancestor worship,sun worship and other multiple implicatures,such as human figure totem,flying fish totem,flying fish worship and taboo in ethnic groups,boat worship and taboo.Its cultural origin can be traced back to the Neolithic Age.It belongs to the modem relics of ancient Baiyue culture as well as the Li nationality in mainland China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human-shaped, Orchid Island, Gaoshan Nationality, Zuling worship, The concept of witchcraft
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