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Separation And Reconstruction Of Forms—Information Expression In Painting Dilemma

Posted on:2020-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330575464871Subject:Fine Arts
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At present,resources and information in the visual field are vast,accompanied by various forms of artistic expression,showing a trend of fragmentation.Faced with various artistic schools and complicated and changeable artistic phenomena,artistic creators often fall into a kind of confusion and predicament,and do not know how to choose media to express their thoughts on the world.In this case,how to achieve the expression of personal information by means of means has become the first problem to be solved in painting creation.In daily painting creation,I realize that the picture is actually composed of the form of painting elements.Therefore,I completely change the traditional painting concept passively formed during my undergraduate study,and the aesthetic thinking of painting also changes accordingly.In the face of challenges in the dilemma,continue to practice and try to find out the solution out of the dilemma of painting.Being sensitive to the "trace" of the painting,I choose the "trace" that can best reflect the expressiveness in painting to find the picture form and information expression method in line with my spiritual temperament.Through the analysis of the plane space segmentation of other artists' works,the new painting space consciousness is gradually clarified in the constant practice and exploration.Through the combination,separation,linking and reconstruction of effective visual elements,the active expressive role of the basic visual elements in painting is fully mobilized,and a painting vision of multiple contradictions and opposites is created.At the same time,in the expression of painting ideas,ideas are more clear and clear,and the formation of a stage can convey personal information picture form,this paper is the result of personal exploration of painting form.Based on the method of making a general survey of art history,this paper reviews the development trend of painting and its forms from the perspective of painting as a whole,and proposes effective methods to avoid losing oneself in various painting forms.It is divided into four parts: first,it mainly expounds the related concepts involved in this paper,including the problems I encountered in the face of painting difficulties and the concept of separation and reconstruction of traces.Second,when looking at the painting as a whole,through the analysis of the visual value of "traces" in painting,the author initiates the transformation of his aesthetic thinking in painting,so as to gradually explore the ways and methods of information expression in the visual value analysis and interpretation of the independence of painting elements.Third,through the analysis of other artists in the works of the plane space segmentation of the usual,clarify the space awareness in my painting.Fourth,according to the experience gained in the process of personal information expression,some theoretical summary.To sum up,through reading a large amount of image information,repeated practice and exploration and accumulation of experience,I gradually solved some problems existing in the dilemma of painting and how to convey personal information through the reconstruction of painting visual elements and clarify the basic context of personal creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:painting dilemma, Aesthetic thinking, Mark, Refactoring, Information expres
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