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The Practical Application Of Accurate Language Pronunciation In Singing

Posted on:2019-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Accurate language pronunciation plays a key role in improving the level of singing.This article starts from the experience of language pronunciation in vocal learning and explains the practical application of language pronunciation in singing from three parts.The first part concisely clarified the importance of accurate language pronunciation in accurately grasping the meaning of songs and the language style of songs.The second part focuses on individual perspectives,focuses on the practice of learning Chinese works,and carefully analyzes the Chinese language.,Tone,and dialect features help to sing Chinese works;in the third part,according to the different laws and characteristics of vowel pronunciations and consonant sounds in Italian,German,and French commonly used in Bel Canto,combined with specific examples and Misunderstandings in learning how to sing foreign language works.Analysis of the accurate use of pronunciation in different languages.It is hoped that the study of the practical application of language pronunciation in vocal singing can achieve the purpose of improving the level of vocal singing and musical literacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language pronunciation, singing, practical application
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