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A Study On The Grammar Of Penglai Dialect

Posted on:2019-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330566475423Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Penglai dialect belongs to the Liaodong official dialect,Grammatical features are distinct.This paper mainly adopt the description of the language facts applying the theoryof "twotrigonometry" and "threeplanes" theorytodiscussappearance,adjectives,pro nouns and functional words.The foreword introduces the general survey of Penglai,the general situation of related grammar research and the way of thinking In this paper are also discussed the source of the corpus,the purpose and significance of the research and so on.The full text is divided into five chapters:The first chapter mainly describes the body of verb and the appearance of verb.The body of verb consists of perfective aspect,progressive aspect,immediate aspect and line aspect.The complete body part mainly summarizes the complementaryvowel conditions of the change rhyme and the chord change rhyme,and the progressive body mainly sums up the complementary vowel conditions of the complementation and the "V+ne".The expedite and the future tense mainly centre on “zai” and “hao”.The appearance of verb includes short time appearance,trial ppearance,repeated appearance,absolute appearance and speculative appearance.The expression of short term and trial appearance is the overlap of "VV",the attempt of appearance adds the meaning of "try" than shortterm appearance.Repeated appearance,absoluteappearance andspeculativeappearancehavestationarysignintotal,namely“zhi”,”gaodi/guijian”,”hon g”.The second chapter describes the structure,meaning and grammatical function of the vivid form of adjectives in Penglai dialect.The vivid forms of adjective include three categories:additive,reduplicated,and mixed.Perform as twelve forms:" bA?bcA?bcdA? Abb?Abc?Abcd?A ba guai?bAcd?AA?AABB?bAbA?A erA er”.They can act as predicate,attributive,adverbial and complement by oneself.The third chapter mainly describes personal pronouns,demonstrative pronouns and interrogative pronounsin Penglai dialect.Personal pronouns mainly discuss the first person pronouns "I,I,I”,the second person pronoun"you",aspecialphrasepronounsandtheoriginof"HongJiaer"."I","we"can add the suffix "two,HongJiaer“ to constitute plural pronouns,and“u?”can't."na ”can not only express singular number,butalsocanexpress plural numbers.Personalpronoun pluralmarkerHongjiacanbeusedaloneorbeinsuffixinPenglaidialect.“pia”canindicatepers onandobject,intheprocessofgrammaticalization.Alternative name “ni?” is related to distance pronoun.According to the characteristics of the demonstrative pronoun in Penglai dialect,it is divided into five cases: "expressing person / thing,expressing place,expressing time,expressing quantity,expressing degree,expressingway/character".Demonstrative pronoun take “zhe””nie” as basic morpheme.Time indicator pronoun have lots of kinds.Time interrogative demonstrative pronoun arespecial,theconstituteofmorpheme differ largely from putonghua,such as “duo xie”,”ji gong er”.”Ji gong er”is in the process of grammaticalization,the fuction of conjuction becomes more and more obvious.The fourth chapter mainly describes adverbs,postpositions,modal particles and auxiliary words.The part of adverbs mainly describe the scopeadverb "all",theechonegativeadverb "hai,jiu,dou",themilddenyingadverb "bushuo",theanalogyadverb "also",theinterrogative adverb "shi".Thescopeadverb "Du" canexpresspluralandsigular.Thispartmainlydisscuss syntactic function,collocation function andsemantic orientation."Hai" develope from the interrogative adverb to the negative adverbs.If "bushuo" add positive color words,the degree of positive will weaken.If "bushuo" add the negative color of words,the extentofthenegativewillincrease.Thesimilaradverb "[i]" ismostlybetweenthesubjectandp redicate,conformingtotheweakeninglawofthePenglai dialect.The part of "Shi" mainly discuss its expressive form and the source of "Shi".Penglai dialect copy the structure of yunnan dialect,”shi” comes from“shenme” or “shi”of ancient.Postposition part mainly describes thefunctionofinferingand textcondomination.The part of modal words mainly describes the end of the sentence theword "navigation / hang" and at the end of the sentence cluster combination.About "air / hang" mainly discusses the function,and the grammaticalization of its path.Theauxiliarypartmainly discusses "the function andthesource.".Accordingtothemeaningandfunctionof“lei”,the origin of “lei” is “zhe””zhi””di””li” or “li”.The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:grammar, Penglai, adjective, pronoun, structural word, appearance
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