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A Preliminary Study Of Aesthetic Realism

Posted on:2019-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548996124Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aesthetic realism is the extension of art ontology which also is the foundation for aesthetics.It is meant to study the nature that the art pieces possess,to find out the certain nature as possible,and to provide the clear definite nature of art.Aesthetics itself has different meanings in different academic disciplines,therefore this paper is designed to distinguish the difference and to sort out the issues that aesthetic realism has involved so as to define its structure in general.This essay contains five parts.The first part,which is the introduction,defines the research object and research method of aesthetic realism,also it sort out the representative foreign works and ideas of researchers in this field.Domestically,there aren't a lot the research based on the aesthetic realism,yet with the development of analytic aesthetics in China,studies of art ontology have come to fruitful results.In that case,aesthetic realism is the study based on the nature the art pieces have in terms of art ontology.In the second part,it need to make a clear distinction on some partial ideas before discussing aesthetic realism.At the first place,it is the difference between beauty as the predicate in language and in beauty itself.In other words,there is a need to differenciate beauty as the predicate and other predicates.When people use predicates,they use them in different purpose.And the difference is in the subject they are trying to modify.Secondly,the term "realism" implies various meaning in varied subjects.In fine means realistic,but in stands for ontology.So the inner connection and difference between those two is highly significant when there might be misunderstandings of confusing two concepts with ambiguous meanings.And this is why philosophers apply art ontology as the reference when defining what the art piece is.The third part is the introduction for the mainstream proposed theories of aesthetic realism,which are transcendental realism and aesthetic properties realism.Transcendental realism views aesthetics as scientific realism.At the mean time,a lot of aesthetic realism is regarded as aesthetic properties realism,and its branches like emotivism?'ideal position' theory and 'ideal observe'theory,all remain problems in themselves.But the apparent feature of them all is relating with human's cognitive phase which means the aesthetic issue of human.In the aesthetic process,the nature presents different features.The most obvious one is the difference between physical property and abstract property.In the terms of aesthetic property.these two enable assorted aesthetic realism to reflect the diversity.Therefor,these properties are discussed respectively in this part.and are defined their relation.And the fourth part discusses explicitly the substantiality and the object in the appreciation of the beauty as the extension of the second part to define which property is appreciated based on the distinctions of all the properties.After selecting the object,there is a need to find out how the object functions in different senses and what kind of diversity and unity come out.Then,it will probe into the issue of how people reach a consensus on accepting what kind of objects when they already confirm the object of appreciation.In this way,it needs to introduce the individual difference of appreciation and to argue for the consistency of aesthetic judgment in different individual,space and time.Lastly,it brings up the irrational aesthetic judgment,or the issue of the attitude.The aesthetic judgment is different from truth judgment and moral judgment.It's whether true or false in truth judgment,and is also eagerly needed in moral judgment.However,aesthetic judgment is only about the individual,not about whether it's true or not,neither whether it's good or bad.That is the challenge for the substantiality of aesthetic judgment.In the last part,there are basic issues to come across in realism.The study of realism is not about to find a definitive object,but a definitive method with plenty of preconditions.With those is able to specify the object which is the key of the realism.It is suspicious about the feature of physical property because this property can be cancelled out in certain way to turn to the researches of social and cultural factors.And pragmatist aesthetics is regarded as the object for later study.
Keywords/Search Tags:aesthetic realism, aesthetic property, aesthetic cognition
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