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The Origin And Development Of The Aesthetic Characteristics Of Chinese Classical Dance

Posted on:2019-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
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The Chinese nation has five thousand years of cultural history brilliant,since the creation of the world has experienced numerous Pangu,Dynasty,numerous changes,has a long history of culture.In the cultural history,dance culture plays a most important part of.The dance of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty reached the peak period.With the collapse of the feudal society and the development of the society,the traditional Chinese dance,as a feudal ruling class,has lost its living space.Leave the umbrella of the court,who had dropped the dance form is not beautiful as usual,they flow into the folk,blend and folk dance,or in the displaced wandering gradually disappearing,then no longer in the past.The rich and diverse forms of Chinese ancient dance and the rich and extensive aesthetic culture determine the pluralistic practice of the reconstruction of "classical dance”in the contemporary era.With the establishment of the new Chinese,construction of various cultural undertakings finally ushered in a thousand things wait to be done moment,classical dance is one of the China reconstruction.Chinese classical dance,named the dance,was first proposed in 1950 by Mr.Ouyang Yuqian,after the dance community identity and began to spread,was finally determined.Its origin can be traced back to the ancient Chinese court dance or the folk dances of more distant times.To Zhou Dai to Han,Jin and Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties palace music,to the development of the song and Yuan Opera dance.The beginning of the establishment of new China dance workers for the development of innovation of the national dance,dance contains rich material from the extraction of Chinese opera performances,from Chinese martial arts are studied and extracted,and the reference of ballet training methods to establish a set of Chinese classical dance teaching.Along with the reform and opening up in 80s,Chinese classical dance has also changed,from the beginning to the intrinsic shape to the development of new space,from a large number of China cultural traditions,including calligraphy,martial arts to explore its aesthetic characteristics,it refines the elements,summarize the classical dance movement of the line,and the masculine and feminine principle.In the classical dance movement law,summarizes the waist as the center,the basic action of circular motion,greatly expand the space of movement China classical dance,classical dance form delicate movements,vivid,and unity,firmness and flexibility of aesthetic characteristics.This thesis is mainly concerned with the origin of the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance through related disciplines,such as geographical environment,social production mode,the influence of rulers on the development of music and dance,and the influence of Chinese traditional culture on the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance.It is hoped that the shallow discussion of this article will give more views for the development of the subject,and the Chinese classical dance is developing in a deeper direction.The thesis is divided into the following five parts:Chapter one:introduction.There are four sections in this chapter.The significance and research of this paper are elaborated.The research direction is selected,and the research objectives and contents are determined.Through different research methods,problems are analyzed,and the innovation of this paper is established.The second chapter:the historical traceability of Chinese classical dance.From the macro and micro two parts,we review the history of Chinese classical dance.From the pre Qin period to the Ming and Qing Dynasties,with the collapse of the feudal society,the ancient Chinese dance began to blend into the folk,or some of them gradually disappeared,and no longer existed in the past.From the beginning of the Chinese classical dance,the branches and leaves are flourishing.The third chapter:the main school and aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance.This chapter is divided into two sections,the first section introduces the China classical dance school,Polytechnic School Kunming classical dance,classical dance school,Dunhuang school and classical dance,classical dance school.The second section expounds the aesthetic features,Chinese classical dance are:"round" art,vivid artistic and artistic firmness and flexibility.The fourth chapter:the formation of aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance.This chapter is the key chapter of the thesis.First,the Chinese ancient "happy politics" and the ruler's affection to the dance greatly influenced the development of Chinese ancient music dance.The aesthetic origin of Chinese classical dance is to be explained in the broad sense of music and dance.Moreover,China's special social production mode influences the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance.China is located in a special geographical environment,China is located in the vast region of east Asia,and the west lies on the qinghai-tibet plateau and the east to the Pacific Ocean.Stratigraphic structure stability,the four seasons climate,geographical size,the special geographical environment of China,the river in the continental natural geographical environment breeds to farming economy as the main body of the Chinese nation economic production form,developed farming civilization,upper limb movement is more flexible.Finally,starting from the ancient Chinese culture,this paper analyzes the influence of Taoism culture,attitude towards nature,aesthetic psychology,national character and so on,and then reflects the reflection on the dance.With the development of western culture,the development of Chinese dance culture is discussed.It reflects the development of Chinese classical dance aesthetic characteristics.The fifth chapter:the embodiment of the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance in the dance works.This chapter returns to works,combined with the mature dance works,from the audio-visual two aspects,will bring readers into Chinese strong classical culture,and feel the profound and profound Chinese culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese classical dance, aesthetic characteristics, origin, development
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