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"Legging Behind" And Eager To "return"

Posted on:2019-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548954716Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 1949,with the changes in the domestic political situation,great changes took place in theliterature and art policies and cultural atmosphere.In this social reality,the liberal writer Shen Congwen seems to be “left behind”,the concrete manifestation is that he began to work on cultural relics research.For a long time,people have always had a misunderstanding,thinking that Shen Congwen has "written off" since then.However,through the "Complete Collection of Shen Congwen," we can see that Shen Congwen who transferred to the study of cultural relics not only did not abandon his literary creation,but actively sought an opportunity to rejoin to the literary road and constantly tried new creations.In these attempts,he wrote some works for the new era and the new society,many of his works,even with his great expectations,failed to be completed.These works involved novels,proses,poetry,and essays.After sorting out these creative ideas and creative achievements,it can be seen that Shen Congwen,a “left behind”writer,has longed for and tried to “rejoin the team” after 1949.In order to achieve “rejoining” he constantly seeks a new expression that meets the requirements of the times in literary creation.In terms of methods,its literary creation after 1949 has undergone major changes compared to before.However,from the perspective of his creative achievements,these changes are very difficult.Many of his creative ideas eventually died out,even though finished works are often not of high standard.These rich and confusing information on literary activities demonstrated Shen Congwen's difficult attempts to “rejoin the team” after 1949,and on the other hand he also demonstrated Shen Congwen's complex mentality.This article has four chapters:Chapter one: Novel creation.After 1949,the change of domestic political situation and the adjustment of literature and art policy,Shen Congwen gradually felt that his literary creation was difficult to adapt to the change,appeared embarrassed and even crazy,but he constantly sought a new style of novel writing in line with the trend of the times in self-adjustment.This chapter tries to restore Shen Congwen's true situation of post-liberation fiction creation and correct the misunderstanding about Shen Congwen's "sign off" after liberation.Shen Congwen had a large number of ideas and attempts in fiction writing since 1949,mainly in the era of ideological reform in the 1950 s and the two southbound periods in the 1960 s.However,few work actuallyIV entered the writing practice,and their artistic standards were not high.Compared with theliterary works before liberation,it can be found that Shen Congwen's novel creation after the liberation has obvious characteristics of the times,and the theme content,story background,and character image of the novel have undergone major changes.Chapter two: Prose creation.This chapter attempts to reappear the actual situation of Shen Congwen's post-liberation prose creation from the level of public writing and potential writing,and explores the contradiction between these two levels of prose creation.After 1949,Shen Congwen revealed a large number of scattered and empty prose creation ideas in his letters,and he also wrote many proses.Shen Congwen's prose writing at the public level has changed a lot compared to before.These works are roughly divided into three categories: memories,praises,and scenery.Several works that celebrate the new era and the new society are mostly completed,but of not high quality.The praises are full of emptiness and tedium,several lyrical writings mainly composed of memories and writings are deeply touched by the revealing of true feelings,but unfortunately they are still unfinished;In the detailed scene of his writing,Shen Congwen's shadow in his early years can be seen,but he often becomes stiff because of too much emphasis on the background of the times.Different from the public-level essay,a large number of literary writings retained in letters are generally accepted as "prose embryos" in the academic world.These " prose embryos " have become a special form of Shen Congwen's "potential writing," and these special "prose" articles rely on them.The higher degrees of freedom and literariness are more representative of the level of prose writing created by Shen Congwen after its liberation.The deliberate "transition" of public writing and the unconscious "conservative" of potential writing have become a set of difficult contradictions in Shen Congwen's prose creation.Chapter three: the creation of the old style poetry.Compared to the creation of fiction and prose,Shen Congwen's poetic creation after 1949 was more abundant.At this time,he changed his poetry from the new poem to the old style poetry.The style of poetry also changed the characteristics of simple,natural and romantic in his early years.In order to realize the literary "rejoin the team," his poetry creation has the intention to move closer to the times and the society,basically based on the principle of serving the society,the times,and the people,and he also combined of cultural relics research and literary creation,which has the color of cultural epic.Regardless of the quantity or type of poetry,Shen Congwen is quite rewarding in his poetrycreation.However,the author himself does not recognize this kind of creation.He only considers the old style poetry as a "senior ticket friend." During the period of the old style poetry creation,Shen Congwen had some gains and losses as well as pursuits and disappointments.Chapter four: The desire to rejoin the team.This chapter tries to make the whole observation about Shen Congwen's undergoing a major transformation from 1949 to a spiritual process of “left behind” to actively “rejoin the team”.At the end of the 1940 s,Shen Congwen gradually emerged a spiritual crisis,its spiritual world and the literary world collapsed.Afterwards,after a difficult self-adjustment,it gradually regained its mental state.On the one hand,in the course of ideological reform and study,the transformation of geographical space allowed his life experiences collided with the individual's life experience.Local experiences and memories inspired his desire to create again.The writer's “old me” was awakening and his writing power was recovering.On the other hand,under the circumstance of social education and grand era,Shen Congwen deeply feels self-responsibility and historical mission,consciously and proactively moves closer to the “group” and reinvents the “new me”,trying to eulogize with new works.The new society,the new era,and the new people will realize their own literature "rejoin." However,most of his attempts have failed,and he encountered both a practical and a spiritual dilemma on the way to literature "rejoining." In the practice of writing,there is a great distance between the pursuit of individuality and political constraints,the inherent writing paradigm and the changing requirements of the times.In spirit,Shen Congwen has a contradictory relationship with the new society.On the one hand,he desires and consciously integrates himself into the collective.On the other hand,as he moves closer to the society,more closer he moves to the group,more lonely he feels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shen Congwen, After 1949, literary creation, desire“rejoin”
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