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On The Philosophy Of Tianyan And The Relationship Between Heaven And Man

Posted on:2019-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330545458614Subject:Chinese philosophy
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As the guide of evolutionism in China,Yen Fu's "Tian Yan Lun" have a profound impact on the development and changes of modern Chinese thought.From the perspective of the evolution of modern Chinese thought,there is no doubt that evolutionary thought is a common ideological resource shared by various schools of thought.Both liberals,Marxists and so-called conservative thinkers are accepted the idea of evolution.The scholars of later generations have made a lot of efforts to study the theory of "Tian Yan Lun." There are researchers who study from the perspective of ethnic crisis.There are researchers from the point of view of the theory of natural evolution,from the perspective of historical materialism and the perspective of Comparison of Chinese and Western Philosophies.But to a certain extent,these interpretations neglected Yan Fu's own understanding to this work.Yen Fu claimed to be "the philosopher of Tian Yan zong",so "Tian Yan" is not merely a translation of the concept of the West in its consciousness structure,nor is it just a modern continuation of traditional culture,but a more important original Philosophy concept.This concept encompasses the process of changes in the natural universes and in the course of the evolution of human society.In a nutshell,the basic connotation of this concept is developed in three dimensions:one is the evolution of Heaven;the other is the evolution of nature;and the other is the evolution of human society.If we look further,the evolution of the so-called Heaven is the foundation of its evolutionary philosophy.To a certain extent,the evolution of nature and the evolution of society are the concrete realization of the evolution of Heaven.In " Tian Yan Lun",Yan Fu reclaimed the theoretical resources of China and the West with his newly constructed theory of evolutionary starry act and tried hard to realize the theoretical idea of integrating Chinese and western cultures.This paper focuses on the analysis of the part of the evolution of Heavenly Struggle in the philosophy of Heaven,and analyzes the inherent contradictions that this philosophy may imply.In other words,the construction of the evolutionist philosophy is influenced by Spencer's comprehensive philosophy,and also influenced by the traditional Chinese concept of heaven.As a generation of thought-makers,Yen Fu does not simply translate and interpret the theory of evolution into China,nor is it a practitioner in resolving the West or in mediating the West.Spencer from the evolution of nature point of view,the theory of evolution to human society,and build a system of large integrated philosophy.On the one hand,Yen Fu commended him for holding the analogy and deduction of evolutionary theory from nature to human society,getting through nature and man and establishing a unified philosophy.On the other hand,Spencer overemphasized that through free competition among individuals To promote the social progress of the argument remain vigilance.The traditional Chinese concept of Heaven emphasizes the unity of man and nature,and believes that the ethical principles followed by human society are the followings to the rules governing the practice of nature.Yen Fu was deeply influenced by this,so when Huxley talked about the relationship between man and nature and held that the process of natural competition hindered the development of human ethics,Yen Fu strongly criticized it.The core of the traditional Chinese concept of Heaven is the relationship between man and nature,that is,how human beings follow the laws of Heaven.The core of Yan Fu's philosophy of Heaven is also redefining the relationship between man and nature.Since the rational enlightenment,in the trend of the development of modern Western thought,nature has gradually been "Disenchantmen ",that is,the assumption that nature has escaped metaphysics has gradually become the object of empirical science.Therefore,no matter what Hegel constructs through logic Philosophy or Spencer's comprehensive philosophy built on the analogy of evolutionism has been cast aside by experienced scientists.Yen Fu,on the one hand,was greatly influenced by Newton and other natural scientists.He deeply understood the boundary between experience science and metaphysics.On the other hand,in his philosophy,he sought to explore the basic principles to be followed by human society and nature,This can not but be said to be the result of the influence of the traditional Chinese concept of Heaven.When defining the relationship between nature and humanity,Heaven and humanity,Yen Fu,while studying the knowledge of empirical science in the West since modern times,gave many scientific answers to the evolution of nature so as to provide her with the mysticism and religious beliefs in the traditional view of Heaven and Heaven.The concept of the special nature of man and nature attached to the disenchantment,to remove obstacles in the dissemination of experience and science in China;on the other hand,it is also vigilant against the expansion of the natural attributes of the over-disenfranchised people in the modern era,especially after the First World War Later,in his later years,Yan Fu paid more attention to the ideological factors of traditional Chinese humanistic reason,so as to further reinterpret the relationship between human nature and ethical attributes,that is,the relationship between humanity and nature.To put it in another word,Yan Fu,trying to eliminate the religious oneness of man and nature,tried to build a kind of humanistic nature and then bridge the gap between the natural and ethical attributes of man.In addition,in "Tan Yan Lun" Yan Fu's emphasis on "group" thinking can also further reflect the characteristics of humanistic rationality of human-nature relationship.In particular,the interpretation of the basis of human nature on the formation of the group,the definition of the group's development principle,and the description of how to achieve the governance of the group all embody the ideological characteristics of Yen Fu's human-human relationship.Yan Fu is influenced by Xun Zi's thought.He believes that human morality is the result of external enlightenment,not from human nature.This is different from the theory of goodness advocated by Huxley and Rousseau.It is also the embodiment of the emphasis on competition in his ideology of heaven.Furthermore,when defining the development principles of the group,Yen Fu values the competition of human nature,but at the same time he emphasizes the importance of ethical factors and embodies a kind of humanistic reason.However,groups that follow the principle of basic development will surely achieve the goal of achieving so-called evolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Philosophy of Tian Yan, Relation of heaven and human, Humanistic reason, Tao pass for one
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