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Empty Space

Posted on:2018-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X NiFull Text:PDF
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The purpose of this article is toinvestigate the perceptual space of the unspeakable void place whether in the construction,design,drama,poetry,or painting space.As ZongBaihua said:"the void is the source of all things,the fundamentalof all motions,and the source of constant creativity of life".However,no matter how endless the empty place,it needs to be showed by the carrier.From the historical events of The void exhibition,we can find that "vanity"often makes people feel at a loss.It's mysterious.This invisible and impalpable state can't be comprehended.Through The void exhibition,it is not difficult to find various doubts,thinking,imagination when the public see the vanity,which has brought new development space to the art.Is the art into the end of it,why can the"empty" be art?In the thought of Oriental culture,this kind of thinking has long been involved.In Lao Zi's Taoism thought,three kinds of implements are used to explain that "empty" is not useless,which can contain the "full".And,in 60s under the indirect influence of LaoZi,the vanity was developed by Heidegger independently.The meaning of "bear" and "hold" in the pottery pot is observed,to gain a deeper understanding of space.More imagination and spiritual sublimation brought by the "Container",of container is used.
Keywords/Search Tags:The void exhibition, Container, Empty place, Contain
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