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Research On The Development And Application Of Herbal Tea Prescriptions

Posted on:2021-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J N A Y I H C H I N G Full Text:PDF
GTID:2434330632456324Subject:Traditional Medical Formulae
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The use of tea in China has a long history.Since the Tang Dynasty,there was a clear record of the medicinal efficacy of tea.In the same period,there was also having the usage method of"yao cha fang ji" that tea and other Chinese medicines were used in one formula.The medicinal tea formulas were brought into full play in the Song Dynasty which continued in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.It is clear that the use of medicinal tea formulas has a thousand years of history.Due to the influence of "drinking tea weakens the curative effect of herbal medicine" and the inability of "drinking tea with herb",the medicinal value of tea is almost hidden.Therefore,this thesis will start to trace back from the earliest medicinal literature of tea,to discuss the medicinal value of tea.The thesis is mainly divided into the following four parts:The first part literature review analyzes the research literature on the dietary therapy and medicinal efficacy of tea at this stage,and particularly summarizes the concept and usage overview of "yao cha".The second part conducts in depth research on the medicinal value of tea.First of all,it is discovered that the medicinal literature was recorded with three kinds of teas before the Tang Dynasty which were quoted in the tea book,"shen nong de cha jie du" and "cha zhi bian nong xue" in Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases are widely circulated and misrepresented in many tea studies.Their records in traditional Chinese medicine related literature cannot be found.Secondly,through the examination of other herbal literature,it is clear that the word "cha" in Emergency Formulas to Keep Up One 's Sleeve of the Jin Dynasty was added by the later generations,and the word "cha" should not appear earlier than the Tang Dynasty.The words "tu,ming" were often used to replace the word "cha" before the Tang Dynasty.Since the Materia medica book before the Tang Dynasty showed that the doctors at that time could not clearly distinguish the sources of tea(tu,ming)and "ku cai",the thesis analyzes both of the plant characteristics and efficacy,and concludes that tea(tu,ming)and "ku cai" should be different plants.The second part of the main content is the research on the medicinal efficacy of tea.The famous monographs on Materia medica in the past dynasties with the comprehensive observation,doctors believed that the medicinal value of tea was quite high.The first official pharmacopoeia Newly Revised Materia Medica officially had recorded the tea's nature,flavor and indication.Materia medica books in the Ming and Qing dynasties enriched the medicinal efficacy of tea after the development of tea culture and medicine in the Tang and Song Dynasties.The third part is the research on the origin of the development of medicinal tea formulas,and combs the development process of medicinal tea formulas from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty.The research excluded tea replacement drinking method without containing tea,as well as the contents of tea drinking utensils,such as "yi yi jian cha fa","ru cha dian fu","ru cha jian","ru zao cha fa","yi cha chi","yi cha wan","cha zhan","cha zhong" and others are not within the scope of the research.The medical value of tea in the formulas can be rediscovered by retrieving the medicinal tea formulas from the famous medical books in the past to discuss their indication,preparation,time taken and others.1.Overview of the use of medicinal tea formulas in the pastSince the Tang Dynasty,the classic medical books of each dynasty had recorded medicinal tea formulas.Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency,Arcane Essentialsfrom the Imperial Library and Reflections on Dietotherapy,respectively recorded 2,3 and 6 medicinal tea formulas.Altogether 548 medicinal tea formulas were recorded in the three imperial formula books which were Formulas from Benevolent Sages Compiled during the Taiping Era,Comprehensive Recording of Divine Assistance and Beneficial Formulas from the Taiping Imperial Pharmacy of the Song Dynasty.101 medicinal tea formulas were recorded in Formulas from Benevolent Sages Compiled during the Taiping Era(accounted for 0.6%of all the formulas in the book),391 medicinal tea formulas were recorded in Comprehensive Recording of Divine Assistance(accounted for 1.96%of all the formulas in the book),56 medicinal tea formulas were recorded in Beneficial Formulas from the Taiping Imperial Pharmacy(accounted for 7.1 1%of all the formulas in the book).Beneficial Formulasfrom the Taiping Imperial Pharmacy was later than the previous two books.It could be seen that with the development of the times,the proportion of medicinal tea formulas was increasing.The Yuan Dynasty's "yu yao yuan fang" was the secret recipe of the Yuan Dynasty's palace.It had recorded nearly 1000 formulas,including 34 medicinal tea formulas.The Ming Dynasty's Formulas for Universal Relief had recorded nearly 1345 medicinal tea formulas.The Qing Dynasty's Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition had recorded 57 medicinal tea formulas too.2.Major indication of the medicinal tea formulasThe medicinal tea formulas of the Tang Dynasty medical books were mainly used to treat diseases such as wind diseases,eye diseases,and cold damage.The medicinal tea formulas in Formulas from Benevolent Sages Compiled during the Taiping Era involved nearly 25 major indications,among the top 5 major indications include malaria,cold damage,wind diseases,edema and pediatric diseases.The medicinal tea formulas in Comprehensive Recording of Divine Assistance involved 49 major indications,among the top 5 major indications were "zhu feng men","yin mu men","shang han men","ji ju men" and "luo li men".The 8 main indications of the medicinal tea formulas in Beneficial Formulas from the Taiping Imperial Pharmacy,the top 5 major indications were "zhi zhu feng","zhi yi qie qi","zhi yan mu ji","zhi shang han" and "zhi za bing".The medicinal tea formulas in involved 5 major indications which contained "zhi feng yao men","zhi tan yin men","zhi yan mu men","zhi yi qie qi men" and "zhi yan hou kou chi men".The medicinal tea formulas in Formulas for Universal Relief involved nearly 89 major indications,among the top 5 major indications were"zhu feng men","tou men","yan mu men","zhu chuang zhong men" and "shang han men"The 57 medicinal tea formulas in Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition involved 7 major indications,treat eye disease,sore,wind disease,head and facial features disease and others.3.The preparation and taking method of the medicinal tea formulaSince the Song Dynasty,pill had taken the lead,followed by powder.1995 medicinal tea formulas were taken mainly by pill,accounting for 995(49.87%),followed by powder,accounting for 675(33.83%)."yang cha song fu" form was the common taking method of the medicinal tea formula which had recorded 1829(accounting for 91.68%of 1995 medicinal tea formulas),the taking method of formula appears keywords such as "yi cha tiao xia","cha qing tiao xia","bo he cha xia" and others,which were similar to "yao yin" and taken in pill and powder.The fourth part further discusses the research on the application rules of medicinal tea formulas.Several key issues in the research are discussed in depth on the basis of the previous research materials:1.Research on the efficacy and indication of medicinal tea formulaSince the Song Dynasty,medicinal tea formulas had been appeared in the formula books frequently.Based on the third part of the research results,there are known that the medicinal tea formulas had cured a wide range of diseases,but the uses of tea in medicine were mainly manifested in wind diseases,eye diseases,accumulations and gatherings.The formulas and medicinal uses of medicinal tea formulas were recorded in different formula books.Due to the lack of guidance from the formulas,the predecessors could choose the corresponding formulas through experience and formulas according to the diseases only.The doctors of the Qing Dynasty further explored the theory of the formulas that used by the predecessors.They explained the use of tea and thought that tea had "ku han jiang xia" and "yin yao ru li" effects.2.Analysis on the types of tea drinks of medicinal teaThe imperial formula books in the Song Dynasty started to appear and use medicines which were taken with different teas.The types of teas were quite rich.Different teas could play different functions in the formulas,such as "cha qing","cha tang","zi sun cha","jiang cha","bo he cha","fang jie cha","la cha","cha jiu" and others.3.Analysis on the taking method of medicinal tea formulaThere are three reasons why tea was popularly started to use as "yao yin" in the Song Dynasty.First,due to the Chinese patent medicine preparations were popular in the Song Dynasty,the cumbersome decoction steps could be omitted.The Chinese patent medicines could be taken with tea to simplify the taking method.Second,drinking tea was an important way of life during the Song Dynasty while the use of tea as "yao yin" was a classic example of the fusion of tea culture and Chinese medicine culture.Third,tea was a daily drink at home.Although tea was used in formulas,it was not sold in general Chinese medicine pharmacies.Therefore,the doctors usually instructed the patients to prepare their own,so tea often used as"yao yin" form in the formulas.There was many kinds of tea drink for formula taken by tea,especially the formula books were made good use of this method in the Song Dynasty,such as"cha qing","chi tang","zi sun cha","jiang cha","bo he cha","jing jie cha","la cha" and others.The thesis has been analyzed and verified several common types of teas individually which involved in the medicinal tea formulas.The application form of medicinal tea formulas had been changed by the influence of different dynasties.For example,the usage frequency of "yi cha song fu" form in the Song Dynasty's medicinal tea formulas began to increase which mainly cured diseases as the purpose for treatment.Medicinal tea formulas of the Qing Dynasty were popularized as "dai cha yin"form with the first purpose for keeping in good health and the second purpose for the treatment of diseases.Therefore,the use of medicinal tea formulas has been tended to be used for the purpose of health care nowadays that leads to the medicinal tea formulas with "yi cha song fu"method have been nearly disappeared.4.Medicinal tea formula' s contraindicationTea's contraindication directly or indirectly affects the use and treatment of medicinal tea formulas which is more common in time contraindications and drug contraindications,such as"mo chi kong xin cha","wei lingxian,tu fu lingji cha" and others."wei ling xian wan" formula in "yu yao yuan fang" of the Yuan Dynasty stated although there was "wei ling xian" in the formula,it was not a single serving and not to bogey tea.It could be proved the compatibility of multiple herbs without thinking to avoid the use of tea.The final part of the thesis presents a reflection on the opinion of "cha jie yao":Shen Nong's Classic of the Materia Medica had no mentioned the sentence for tea detoxification."de cha yi jie zhi,jin ren fu yao bu yin cha,kong jie yao ye" in "ge zhi jing yuan" book might also be the source of "cha jie yao" opinion which have been making the later generations misunderstand the role of tea and the shared usage form of tea with herbs fewer and fewer.In summary,the use of tea has experienced the development from simple drinking to medicinal use in history.It had also reached the peak of the use of medicinal tea with its clinical usage value in the Song Dynasty.Therefore,modern Chinese medicine practitioners should be continuing to inherit the essence of medicinal tea formulas were recorded in previous dynasties to explore the unique value of tea in the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:tea, the development of origin, formula, medicinal tea, clinical application rule
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