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Combined Analysis Of Different Immunological Testing Methods For Mixed Sperm Spots

Posted on:2019-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M A DongFull Text:PDF
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In forensic identification,fine spot is one of the important evidence in sexual crime,its role can not be replaced,generally can be used as the main basis for qualitative case.Microscopic examination of sperm cells,immunological methods and histochemistry are often used to test the fine spot,but each detection method there are some advantages and disadvantages.At present,in the forensic identification can be widely used in the separation method is the difference between the cleavage method,but in practice,due to the presence of fine spot mixed with female material,fine spot mixed blood spots,many people fine spots,Situation,the difference between the split method can only solve some problems,which directly affect the late precision spot detection accuracy,it is difficult to get the suspect's single DNA genotype.Therefore,the separation of mixed spots to confirm the focus of research in recent years and physical evidence in the test of the difficulties.In this paper,the method of detecting fine spot is mainly three kinds of immunological methods such as fine spotting method,immunomagnetic beads method and laser capture microscopic separation technique.The results show that the method is simple and easy to detect the sensitivity of prostate specific antigen(PSA),which can be used to confirm the presence of fine spot.The magnetic magnetic separation method can use magnetic separation technique to capture the Sperm nucleic acid for purification,amplification and detection;laser capture microscopic separation technology can capture a single sperm.Therefore,we can use these techniques,with the low volume of amplification,will get all the classification of the summary,superposition,and finally classification,in order to obtain the classification of each sperm donor.In this paper,a single spot as a control,the mixed spot for detection.In the test results,the negative control did not show a positive reaction,and each test sample in the test area and control area there is a purple line,indicating that each sample contains prostate antigen,can be applied to Rapid screening of effective samples,and the use of immunomagnetic beads instead of differential cleavage method of the second step to extract a single spotted nucleic acid,the subsequent amplification and detection of the results obtained,with the conventional method of extraction,amplification and detection of the results In contrast,it was found that the results of immunomagnetic beads were found to be more complete and effective short tandem repeat(STR)typing,indicating that the immunomagnetic beads method could be used to replace the second step of the differential cleavage method to obtain better The results were summarized and the results were summarized and superimposed,and a complete single typing was obtained.The results showed that the mixed spot was treated with laser capture microdissection.In this paper,the actual case application,the use of the above method to obtain a complete single type,the case can be quickly cracked.Through the combination of three methods,to meet the majority of cases of mixed fine spot effective separation and detection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Semen stains, Immunology, Immunity colloidal gold, Immune magnetic bead method, Laser capture microscopic separation
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