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Research On The Application Of The Revised DuPont Financial Analysis System In BL Chemical Industry

Posted on:2020-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The chemical industry is one of the pillar industries of China's national economy an d plays a pivotal role in the process of economic development.However,with the rapid development of the national economy,issues such as energy consumption,environmental pollution and safe production have become increasingly prominent,and today's society ne eds to be common.The serious problem facing.At present,China's chemical enterprises still continue the traditional high-energy production mode.Under this circumstance,on th e one hand,the increase of production cost is not well transformed into the economic be nefits of enterprises,on the other hand,the environment has been irreversible.Destructio n,this will inevitably affect the development and operation of our economy.Therefore,h ow to objectively and correctly evaluate the performance of chemical companies,especial ly financial performance,has become a key concern of enterprise managers.It is also of great practical significance to strengthen the application of analytical methods in the fin ancial performance evaluation of chemical enterprises.The traditional DuPont financial analysis system can objectively evaluate the financia l status and operating status of the company.However,with the development of society,the competitive environment faced by enterprises has become more complicated,and the business and investment activities have become increasingly diversified.The shortcomings of the traditional DuPont financial analysis system in actually evaluating the financial p erformance of enterprises have gradually been exposed.At the same time,the traditional analysis system has universal applicability,and can not reflect the industrial characteristic s of chemical industry,such as large energy consumption,serious environmental pollution,frequent safety accidents,etc.Therefore,in order to meet the actual situation of chemic al companies,it is necessary to use the traditional DuPont financial analysis system.Bas ed on the amendments,the indicators that meet the characteristics of the chemical industr y are added to make the evaluation results more objective and accurate.In this paper,af ter applying the traditional DuPont analysis to evaluate the financial performance of BL chemical industry,it points out its limitations in specific applications.Based on the analy sis of BL chemical business activities and financial indicators,the sustainable growth rateis taken as the core indicator.Based on the revised DuPont financial analysis system,t he analysis of cash flow is introduced,and the indicators reflecting the energy consumpti on,environmental protection and safety production of the chemical industry are added,a nd the financial status and social responsibility of the enterprise are organically integrated.together.By constructing the revised DuPont financial analysis system,I hope that the e valuation results will be more comprehensive and accurate.At the same time,through th e comprehensive analysis of the financial performance of BL Chemical,the problems of the company's operation will be analyzed from various aspects and the effective suggesti ons of the analysis will be proposed.The revised system measures are expected to provi de theoretical guidance for the sustained and steady improvement of BL chemical financi al performance,and also provide some reference and reference for other enterprises in th e same industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:DuPont financial analysis, financial performance, BL Chemical
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