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Research On The Design Ideas Of Children's Toys In The Republic Of China

Posted on:2019-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WeiFull Text:PDF
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Children's toys are an important part of the exploration of children's life,as well as in historical studies.The history of the Chinese nation is a period of continuous turbulence,and the period of the republic of China is an important transition from tradition to modernity.During this period,the spread of western humanistic thought and industrial manufacturing technology greatly influenced Chinese society.Among them,the change of the concept of children is particularly prominent,from "the vassal of the adult" to "the future of the country",which can be said to establish the identity and status of children from nothing.In the period of the republic of China,with the rising of children's status,children's toys have been paid more and more attention.Therefore,there is a significant change in the concept of children's toys and their design and consumption.From "toy mourning" to "toys are the only thing for children";From the traditional toys to the delicate novelty of western toys,to the gradual rise of native modern toys;From rough toys to scientific toys with principles...Children's toys of variable changing idea embodies the concept of adult,also reflect the change of times background,and children's toys design also is a dynamic concept,mapping values and aesthetic of the time in the change.From the end of the 19 th century to the beginning of the 20 th century,there were many pictures and images available for study.From the press of the republic of China in the areas of the adult world,there are a lot of research and exploration on children's toys design,reflects the society at that time for children's growth and future expectations,and efforts for this purpose.Based on this,this paper takes children's toys as the starting point and studies its design thought and modern children's life.From the end of the 19 th century "children discovery",to set up the "children",1935 children to become the government and the public's eyes,the hope of the future foundation of national prosperity,toy in their own way to record the status of the children's lives and all sorts of change.
Keywords/Search Tags:toy research, children's toys, republic of China, design idea
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