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Case Analysis On G Health Care Enterprise Acquisition

Posted on:2019-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330566487384Subject:The MBA
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's increasingly global world economy,brings capital,technology,resource and other factors of production flow around the world,in order to achieve the best configuration and stronger competitive advantage.Since the fifth wave of m&a has become an increasingly common phenomenon.Whether it is a dimension to the fortune 500 very weak small companies will become the protagonist in the acquisition.Pursuit of capital,technology,market share,cost advantage,become the main motivation of m&a.In order to achieve these desires,every time by mergers,acquisitions and in performing the merger and takeover of drama.When enterprise development to a certain stage,its growth speed cannot meet the needs of enterprise development,the acquisition of appropriate target enterprise is a necessary choice to continue rapid growth or expansion.But enterprise m&a is a complicated and professional business,the success is the key of target enterprise valuation is reasonable,and the enterprise integration after merger and acquisition is effective.This paper selects the case of G group purchasing W enterprise belonging to the health care products industry.After obtaining a large amount of cash flow in the operation,G group has been trying to change its research and development ability by acquiring other enterprises in the same industry.G enterprise mainly for external use health care category,W enterprises the main health food and drugs,G company always wanted to broaden the product line,but the lack of proper researchers,self-built health food and drug production line needs a variety of qualifications,self-built difficulty is too large and long time span.In view of the trend of sales of G enterprise products to saturation and negative growth,it is urgent to expand the new product line.This paper will combine the author's actual handling of the health products company's acquisition issues,from the small to big,detailed description of the G company and W company's company profile,acquisition process and integration results.It further analyzed the cases and analyzed the reasons for the acquisition from the perspectives of business management,enterprise development,and the power of the capital market;analyzed the performance of the acquisition through the acquired market performance and financial performance;and priced through the market competition and the acquisition transaction.Analyze the risk of the acquisition from the perspective of the risk brought by excessively high and the risk of the integration process after the completion of the acquisition.Try to analyze the acquisition and integration of health care products companies.By summing up the reasons for the failure,we constantly reflect on it,and we get revelations and experiences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acquisition, Risk management, Enterprise integration
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