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Identification And Evaluation Of China's Systemically Important Bank

Posted on:2019-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X DaiFull Text:PDF
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The outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States in 2008 triggered a global economic crisis and brought great shocks to the world economy.In this context,Basel III put forward the concept of systemically important banks in order to achieve effective control of systematic risk through the supervision of systemically important banks.The close connection between systemically important banks and other financial institutions has made the issue of "too big to fail" and has made people increasingly aware of the importance and necessity of accurately identifying systemically important banks.This article is mainly divided into four parts.In the first part,the author reviews the domestic and foreign scholars' understanding of systematically important bank knowledge and systematic risk management.The second part discusses the principles of the indicator method and model method,and provides basic theoretical support for research.Some of these are mainly empirical tests.First,sample data are collected.Then,the system of China's listed banks' system importance index and the corresponding CoVaR model are constructed.The results of China's systemically important bank results are evaluated,and the results of China's systemically important banks under the two methods are compared.Differences,and analysis of the resulting differences;the fourth part of the previous empirical test on the basis of the results of the combing summary,combined with the current status of China's banking industry development and risk management and control level of the proposed risk management advice.Through the research of this article,systematically sorted out the evaluation methods for the importance of China's listed systems.By comparing the ranking differences under the two methods,we saw the urgency and necessity of an accurate and scientific assessment of systemically important banks,and gave the Bank of China The bureau has pointed out the direction of the monitoring and control points in a timely manner,improved the supervision system,and ensured that the systematic risk can be dealt with in a timely and effective manner,prompting China's financial system to further improve and mature.Accurate identification of systemically important banks not only reduces supervision costs of regulatory authorities,but also promotes the healthy and sustainable development of China's listed banking systems,while avoiding or reducing the adverse effects of systematic risk.
Keywords/Search Tags:Systemically Important Bank, index method, model method, entropy method
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