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Research On Consumer Finance Innovation Of Commercial Banks Under The Background Of Internet

Posted on:2019-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In terms of macroeconomics,consumption,investment,and exports are called troikas that promote economic growth.After the financial crisis,the Chinese government recognized the importance of domestic demand in economic growth and began to vigorously develop the consumer economy.Consumer loans are one of the traditional asset businesses of commercial banks.With the deepening of the application and innovation of the Internet in the financial sector,the challenges faced by commercial banks in the consumer finance business are becoming more and more severe.Commercial banks need to effectively use the Internet as a means to effectively improve the development strategy of consumer finance business.This article takes the consumer finance business in the Internet age as the research object,and studies the Minsheng Bank as a typical case.During the research process,this article uses a combination of literature research methods,case study methods,field research methods,and induction research methods.First of all,based on the definition of related concepts,this study describes the status quo and characteristics of China's Internet consumer finance development,and analyzes the challenges of the development of Internet consumer finance on commercial banks.Secondly,this study analyzes the innovation environment of commercial banking consumer business,and presents the direction of combinatorial strategies for commercial banking consumer finance innovation.Third,this study takes the Minsheng Bank as a typical case,and analyzes the status and problems of the bank's consumer finance business.Finally,this study presents a strategy for the innovation of consumer banking in commercial banking.This study believes that the innovation of consumer banking business in the context of the Internet will mainly proceed from the following three aspects.The first is to explore innovative commercial banks' new consumer finance models,including equity participation or the establishment of consumer finance companies together with third parties.With the help of third-party online platforms and layout online scenes,business integration and innovation will be carried out to improve offline scenarios.Second,innovative consumer finance Business product marketing and customer relationship management,including the use of Internet technology to increase online customer traffic portals,the use of Internet big data to achieve accurate marketing of products and services,the use of modern information technology to implement refined management of customer relationships;third is to effectively enhance the consumer financial business market response And decision-making efficiency,including the establishment of efficient and flexible consumer credit approval mechanism;the use of information technology innovation in consumer finance business marketing and customer relationship management.The research conclusions of this paper can not only enrich the theoretical research results of the development of consumer finance business,but also have certain practical significance for the development of commercial banking consumer finance business.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consumer Finance, Internet Finance, Commercial Banks, Consumption Scenarios
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