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A Study Of Tax Agreements Between China And The Belt And Road Initiative

Posted on:2019-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L MaFull Text:PDF
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Since the “Vision and Action to Promote the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road” was released on March 8,2015,the “Belt and Road Initiative” has moved from concept to reality.With the advancement of the "Belt and Road Initiative," China's economic and trade ties with countries along the country have become increasingly close.The total amount of import and export trade between the two countries has been rising year after year,and the scale of outbound investment has been expanding year by year.Taxation is an important lever for economic activities.It affects the entire national economy through the influence of daily production operations and profits.Tax treaties,as an important tool for regulating taxation relations among countries,can not only solve the problem of international double taxation,but also combat the occurrence of transnational tax avoidance,reduce tax competition,and achieve a reasonable distribution of tax benefits between countries.Therefore,the signing of a tax agreement between China and the countries along the “Belt and Road” will not only be beneficial to the improvement of China's tax treaty system as a whole,but also enhance the role of tax treaties in China's development of the foreign economy,and will also facilitate the coordination of taxation relations between the parties to the agreement.Promote the regulation and cooperation of cross-border economic trade.However,there are certain room for amendments in many aspects of tax treaties between China and countries along the Belt and Road initiative.On the one hand,under the background of active implementation of various achievements of the BEPS action and multilateral taxation agreements in various countries around the world,the existing tax treaty system between the two parties has been unable to meet the objective requirements for the development of economic and trade cooperation between the two sides;Some tax agreements,due to differences in the tax systems of various parties and different levels of tax collection and management,can hardly really play their role in avoiding double taxation and preventing tax evasion,so that even in the presence of tax treaties,the tax risk of companies is still high.In view of the above-mentioned problems,China and countries along the “Belt and Road” should actively organize consultations and negotiations,increase the number of countries negotiating tax treaties,improve the existing tax treaty system,and respond to new trends in international tax revenue development and improve their own The level of tax administration and the ability to negotiate with relevant countries to resolve tax frictions,and strive to build a good tax environment for companies to invest in external operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax Agreement, Belt and Road, Foreign Investment, Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
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