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Research On Accounts Receivable Management Of A Company

Posted on:2019-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330545465335Subject:Accounting master
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the further development of the socialist market economy,more open markets,and more diversified business operations,various industries have ushered in more opportunities and development,but also faced more challenges and competitions.Each company hopes to become a Leaders in the industry occupy a high proportion of the market and are able to go global and become international companies.The fierce market competition environment and constant technological innovation have prompted companies to relax their credit policies and use credit sales for accounts receivable to increase sales,reduce inventory,and increase market share.China's credit system is still in the construction phase.Companies blindly adopt credit selling methods to seize the market,neglecting the management of accounts receivable,resulting in a large backlog of accounts receivable,resulting in a false appearance of prosperity.A large amount of accounts receivable will inevitably occupy the funds of the company,which not only causes the company's funds to be tight,but also increases the company's fund-raising expenses.It also generates bad debts and affects the profits of the company.Therefore,it is very necessary to manage accounts receivable.The construction machinery and equipment manufacturing industry is one of the industries that generate a large amount of receivables.Due to the higher unit price of products and the greater impact of the macro environment,the accounts receivable of the industry have remained high,and the number of industries in recent years has remained high.The company's accrued huge amount of bad debts,frequently reported by the media,people have to doubt whether the sales policy of the industry is scientific,and whether the development of the industry is healthy.This article selects a representative company A from the industry,first through the corresponding accounts receivable scale and Comparison of growth rate,accounts receivable and operating performance,accounts receivable turnover rate,aging structure and provision of guarantees to customers,reflecting the current status of A company's management of accounts receivable;secondly,accounts receivable management The department,management accounting system,and sales policy analyze the current status of its accounts receivable management;then it finds that company A has poor management of accounts receivable,lack of clear management departments,poor management of transaction data,excessively aggressive credit policies,and single collection methods.These problems are mainly caused by internal and external reasons,and they are analyzed one by one.Combining with the actual situation of Company A,the Bank proposes solutions for the establishment of an independent credit management department,the establishment of a sound credit policy,the adoption of a diversified collection method,and the proposal to control the existence of guarantee risks,to help enterprises solve the problems of accounts receivable management.At the same time,it can use the securitization of accounts receivable,accounts receivable factoring and accounts receivable pledge to finance,accelerate the recovery of accounts receivable,solve the shortage of liquidity of the company,and improve the accounts receivable of Company A from the side.Management issues promote the company's development.
Keywords/Search Tags:accounts receivable, accounts receivable management, credit management
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