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A Study On Influences Of Psychological Contract Violation On The Work Attitude Knowledge Employees' After80s

Posted on:2012-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ZhanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330374990340Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Owing to the rapid development of knowledge economy nowadays, knowledgeworkers based on knowledge have become the key resource to maintain competitiveadvantages for enterprises, so do they become the focus of enterprises. Therefore, thetalent competition among enterprises has intensified. Along with our nation'semployees after80s progressively entering into talent market, they now have becomethe new main force of enterprises' knowledge workers who accumulate enterprises'knowledge capital. They are enterprises'training emphasis and the important resourcesfor the sustainable development of enterprises.The article is based on the perspective of work attitudes of knowledge staff of1980' generation; and theoretically discuss the relationship between Chineseemployee's psychological contract and1980' generation knowledge staff's workattitudes. With hope of solving the problem of1980' generation knowledge staffworking attitude from the new angle of the demographic variable. Firstly, the articlehas an overview on the related theories and literatures of psychological contractviolation and1980' generation knowledge staff's work attitudes, analyzes therelationship between them, and lays a foundation for the next mechanism analysis andmodel foundation. Secondly, it analyzes the influence mechanism that thepsychological contract violation on1980' generation knowledge staff work attitude,and builds a research model and proposes the research hypothesis. On the basis oftheoretical analysis, the paper takes on an empirical test with the hypothesis. Theresults show that, employees' psychological contract violation is divided into threedimensions that are enterprise development dimensions, transaction dimensions andrelationship dimensions. Psychological contract violation has a direct negative effecton1980' generation knowledge-based staff's work attitudes. Psychological contractviolation reduces the degree of job-satisfaction and affective-commitment, increasescynicism and turnover tendency. Finally, from the perspective of staff's psychologicalcontract the paper puts forward some management suggestions to resolve the problemof1980' generation knowledge staff's work attitudes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychological contract violation, Knowledge worker, Work attitude, After80s
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