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Sliding Mode Control For Time-varying T-S Fuzzy Descriptor System

Posted on:2019-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330605972562Subject:Systems analysis and integration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In practical control system,the form of the descriptor system is becoming more and more common.And the case of different derivative matrices often exists.The modeling method based on T-S fuzzy system has proved to be a universal approximation model since the method of fuzzy control put forward,which provides a powerful tool for researching nonlinear system.On the other hand,sliding mode control,as a hot research content of modern control theory,has been widely paid attention to because of its strong robustness to system interference and uncertainty,and its fast corresponding advantages in recent years.It is of great significance to apply the theory of sliding mode control to the control problem of time-varying T-S fuzzy descriptor systems.In this thesis,we design sliding mode robust H∞ control and sliding mode passive control for continuous time-varying T-S fuzzy descriptor systems.Some ground breaking results are obtained.The main research work is as follows:(1)Firstly,two assumptions are put forward,and the method of augmented system is used to deal with the different derivative matrices.Then the equivalence of the admissibility with the H∞ performance and the passivity between the augmented system and the original system are studied.(2)In order to study the T-S fuzzy descriptor system,an integral sliding mode surface function is designed.By means of Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequalities(LMI),the sufficient conditions for the admissibility of sliding mode dynamics and the admissibility with H∞ performance and the admissibility with passivity are given.(3)A sliding mode controller is designed so that the state of the system can reach the sliding surface in finite time.That is,the condition of arrival in sliding mode control is satisfied.(4)Some numerical examples are given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:T-S fuzzy descriptor system, Sliding mode control(SMC), Different derivative ma-trices, H_∞ performance, Passive control, Linear matrix inequalities(LMI), Augmented system
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