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Anonymous Authentication With Confident Privacy Scheme For Wireless Body Area Network

Posted on:2020-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330590996434Subject:Information and Communication Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the Internet of Things and people's pursuit of high-quality life,Wireless body area networks have received extensive attention from academic and industry due to its real-time monitoring and timely diagnosis.The wireless body area network collects user physiological information through various sensors placed around the human body,and sends it to the remote medical center for diagnosis with the help of the wireless network.However,there are many kinds of security attacks in wireless communication environment,which make it difficult to guarantee the confidentiality of user information and the security of user authentication.Therefore,it is necessary to establish an appropriate security mechanism to achieve user privacy protection and authentication.Authentication and key agreement can not only achieve user identity authentication in the wireless body area network,but also meet the confidentiality and integrity requirements of the communication.However,it is difficult for the existing authentication schemes to meet the needs of wireless body area networks in terms of efficiency or security.This paper studies the authentication mechanism in the wireless body area network.The main contents include:(1)Aiming at the problems that the existing wireless body area network authentication schemes can not meet the user condition privacy protection requirements and the difficulty of management of the revocation list,an anonymous authentication scheme with conditional privacy protection based on blind signature is proposed.In this scheme,a temporary public key is generated by the user and submitted to the network manager(NM)for blind signature at the time of registration.Then,in the authentication phase,the user uses the signature after the blinding and the temporary public key to implement the authentication and key agreement with the application service provider(AP).The blind signature of NM can protect users' anonymity and authenticate their identity.At the same time,the public promise of NM to users and the user's temporary public key are used as user pseudonyms identity to realize conditional privacy protection.In addition,by adding time factor and AP public key to the blind message,the problem of rapid expansion of revocation list is solved.The analysis shows that the proposed protocol is formalized and secure under the assumption of eCK model and CDH difficult problem,and can resist multiple security attacks while implementing conditional privacy protection,and its computational cost and communication cost are lower than the existing schemes.(2)Most of the wireless body area network authentication schemes can not realize the anonymity in the application provider(AP)and the low efficiency of authentication.A certificate-based group anonymity authentication scheme for wireless body area network is proposed.In the initialization phase,AP in a certain range is grouped,which enables the Network Manager(NM)to delegate part of the certificate distribution authority to the Group Manager(GM),reduces the burden of NM computing and AP storage,enhances the scalability of the system and improves the efficiency of the system.In the authentication phase,a zeroknowledge proof protocol is used to achieve user anonymity at the AP and anonymous authentication in different groups,without updating the user's certificate distribute by NM.In addition to verifying the user's public key,the user certificate can act as part of the private key,thus providing an implicit certificate verification function,simplifying the certificate management problem.Besides,a batch verification algorithm is designed to realize the authentication of a large number of users by AP,which effectively improves the verification efficiency.The scheme is proved to be safe under the assumption of random oracle model and elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.The analysis shows that it has certain advantages over existing schemes in terms of computational overhead.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wireless body area network, Certificate-based signature, Blind signature, Anonymity, Remote authentication
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