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The Method For Generation Test Cases Based On UML State Diagram

Posted on:2020-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W LuanFull Text:PDF
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Software testing is a crucial part of ensuring software quality in the software development process.It is the key to improving software quality.The earlier the problem in software development is tested,the lower the cost of solving the problem is spent.In the process of software testing,the quality of the test cases has a significant impact on the test work.High quality test cases can make the test work more efficient.However,poor test cases can lead to increase software development costs.Model-based testing does not have to be constrained by the progress of software development,and can start working at various stages.According to the requirements specification,the design of the test cases can be carried out in the early stage of development or even when the development is not carried out.On this basis,the development and testing can be concurrently carried out,which greatly reduces the time cost of software development and improves the development efficiency.Finally,the consistency of the function is verified by comparing the actual output with the expected output in the requirements specification.This paper is based on model-based testing.It mainly studies state diagrams in the UML model to generate test cases.As a standard modeling language,UML has a wide range of versatility and powerful expression ability.It can clearly describe the structural features of objects and the behavioral characteristics of objects,and has good reusability and iteration.When the test generation is based on the state diagram,the state diagram is treated as a special directed flow chart,getting some test scenarios and test cases with several different coverage strategies.One coverage strategy traverse the state diagram using the Depth-First-Search algorithm in Graph Theory to implement path coverage for state diagrams.Another coverage strategy implements the statement coverage of the state by referring to the Back Tracking Method.According to the Boolean value of the guardianship condition of the transfer,implementing the coverage of the guardianship condition of the state diagram,and obtaining the complete paths from the source state to the final state.By adopting different coverage strategies,a more complete test scenario and test cases are generated to achieve the purpose of helping the software test work.
Keywords/Search Tags:State Diagram, UML, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Coverage Strategy
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