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Research On Control Of Markov Jump Systems With Stochastic Time-Delay And Partly Unknown Transition Probabilities

Posted on:2016-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330542957541Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is well known that time-delays are frequently encountered in various practical control systems,such as networked control systems,power systems,manufacturing systems,and etc.The aforementioned delays usually degrade the system performance,and are the source of potential instability.In fact the time-delays occur in a random way,rather than a deterministic way,for a number of engineering applications,such as wireless sensor network systems,and etc.In such a random case,the overall system is no longer a deterministic model.So study on stochastic time-delay is of great theoretical and practical significance.Markov jump system is a special and important hybrid system.Nowadays,more and more people have paid attention to the study of Markov jump system.Compared with conventional hybrid system,Markov jump system has a more richer structure and better describes physical systems.Therefore,many practical processes can be modeled as Markov jump system.Considering the fact that the uncertainty and non-fragility of controller are the sources of instability,recently,the problems of robust stability and H∞ control have been more investigated for Markov jump system,and many interesting criteria have been derived.Usually,it is assumed that the information on transition probabilities was completely known for Markov jump system in many practical applications.However,transition probabilities maybe partially known for most of the real systems.In this thesis,we focus upon the problem of control for stochastic time-delay Markov jump systems with partially known transition probabilities.The main results are as follows:1)research on control of Markov jump systems with stochastic time delay.2)research on control of Markov jump systems with stochastic time varying delay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stochastic, Time delay, Markov jump systems, Partly unknown transition probabilities, Robust H_∞ control, LMI(linear matrix inequalities)
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