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Design And Realization Of Personalized Books Mall System Based On Web

Posted on:2018-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330515952515Subject:Control Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of global information technology,coupled with the logistics system more and more perfect,the trend of transfering physical store to the Internet is unstopped inevitable,the development of e-commerce is very quickly.In the case of a substantial increase in the level of domestic culture,the number of books lovers greatly improved,the demand for spiritual food is increasing.But now the pace of life is getting faster and faster,leaving books lovers to browse books for very limited leisure time,and how to find favorite books in a limited time becomes very imortant.In order to improve the commercial value of the book mall website,we should improve the e-commerce platform from many aspects,not only to build a simple interface,friendly response,fast response system,but also with rich network data resources to improve the book information,user-friendly,Brush selection and score,more importantly,can be used through the collaborative filtering of the recommended algorithm to achieve the user's list of books recommended to achieve personalized service,is a very important issue.In this paper,the development process of software engineering using the method of thinking,first introduced the web development of the relevant knowledge,the use of crawler technology to obtain the relevant knowledge of network resources and personalized recommendation to recommend collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm,and the realization of the system in detail the demand Based on the above analysis,this paper puts forward the overall design of the web personalized book mall system,including the architecture design and the functional structure design,and studies the key technology applied in the process of implementation,including the feasibility analysis,the demand analysis and the business process analysis.,And the realization of the system for a detailed analysis.The system implemented in this paper is functionally,mainly from the user level,including the front user module and the background administrator module.The system not only to achieve the front user login,registration function;book browsing,rating,batch score function;books recommended function;book purchase function.But also to achieve the background database management for users,a classification menu,two categories of menu,book information management,order management and other functions.In addition to the above functions,but also to achieve the use of python to crawl Douban reading books related information to supplement the mall system database resources,improve the personalized service,enhance the commercial value.The system developed in this paper uses the efficient and mature web development technology,combined with the current popular front-end lightweight framework,to achieve the beautiful,simple and friendly software interface is,the system response speed,and provides a personalized book recommendation service.The function of the system has achieved the expected effect,has good application value and application prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collaborative Filtering, Web Development, Book Recommendation, Reptilia
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